Terminology: standing heat:This it the time on which a gilt or a sow becomes receptive to a boar/
Nagpapabulog na siya.
Flushing is done to a gilt to increase the release of eggs in its ovaries.
This is done by increasing the feed intake 10-14 days prior to standing heat.
How to do it:
Usually we breed the sow at 7-8 months of age or if it has already stood to heat 2-3 times.
So, if the animal first heat is around 6 months you need to count 21 days to its second heat. Then another 21 days to its third heat.
At the start of the second heat count 11 days and when that day comes increase the feed intake of the animal.
And at its next heat (around 10 days later) you can then breed it already.