Hero Member

Posts: 4361
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2008, 07:37:59 AM » |
Miscellaneous poisons 6000
Here are some miscellaneous toxic substances not covered on individual pages POISON SYMPTOMS TREATMENT Antifreeze [6379] Act intoxicated, thirsty, rapid heart and breathing, then depression, coma and death. If mild: gastroenteritis and loss of appetite. May have hypothermia and abdominal pain. Immediate vet care Carbamate insecticides (Sevin) [6475] Hypersalivation, GI problems (cramps, diarrhea), sweating, shortness of breath, cyanosis, tremors, convulsions, bronchial constriction. (Not usually a problem if applied properly - 2%) Atropine sulfate. Vet Cottonseed [6310] Heart failure and death, dyspnea, froth-filled trachea, weight loss, weakness, anorexia, gastroenteritis, hemoglobinuria, reproductive problems Remove cottonseed feed products, eliminate stress Cyanide [6336] Excitement, rapid respiration, dyspnea, rapid heart rate, salivation, lacrimation, voiding of urine and feces, stagger, muscle contractions, mucous membranes bright red, blood may not clot Avoid poisonous plants, may survive if get immediate vet help Death camas [6376] Salivation, vomiting, staggering, prostration, coma, death See vet Fluoride [6381] Abnormal hoof growth, lameness, bone spurs, skin dry with horny cracks, teeth mottled (red-brown) None; usually a chronic condition Fusarium (moldy fescue) [6401] Loss of appetite and milk production, diarrhea, staggers (Not same as "fescue lameness") Eliminate moldy fescue Gossypol [6411] From cottonseed. Heart failure, shortness of breath, weight loss, weakness, depression, gastroenterisits, reproductive problems Don't feed cottonseed products to young. See vet Halogenated cyclic hydrocarbons (PCB, dioxin) [6416] Wasting; disorders of skin, reproduction, endocrine system; depression, carcinomas None Henbane (Jimson) [6421] Unsteady gait, cramps, convulsions, unconsciousness, difficult breathing, rapid pulse None Herbicide [6451] Sudden death with rapid rigor mortis, diarrhea, rapid pulse and breathing, yellow stain of skin and hair, weakness, drooling, shortness of breath, weakness, muscle contractions, tremors, convulsions 2-4 D is non-toxic if properly applied. Don't use chlorates, dinitros or arsenates. Insect repellents [6473] Unknown Some, such as deet, may be toxic Iron [6480] Can cause immediate death; affects heart Do not use injectable iron on goats unless upon advice from vet; give Vit E first Isopropyl alcohol [6482] GI pain, dizziness, coma, death, dehydration, hard on kidneys and liver Emitics, gastric lavage. Call vet. Being used less now. Johnson grass [6485] Contains prussic acid. Slobbering, shortness of breath, rapid respiration, rapid weak pulse, convulsions, rapid death Eliminate from feed Larkspur [6501] Falling, straddling stance, rapid pulse and respiration, constipation, bloating Immediate vet Lime sulfur (fungicide) [6521] Discomfort and/or blistering. Rarely a problem if applied properly Wash and apply ointments Locoweed [6451] Abnormal behavior, unsteady gait if stressed, tremors; early to mid-term abortions, congenital defects, light birth weights, abdominal distention in late pregnancy (hydrops) None; limit access to 2 - 4 weeks Mercury [6561] Vomiting, bloody diarrhea, severe kidney and GI damage, large OR small amounts of urine, head pressing, paralysis, arched back, stomatitis Immediately to vet Metaldehyde [6570] Hypersensitivity, tremors, incoordination, convulsions, salivation shortness of breath, rapid pulse, fever Snail and slug bait; Immediately to vet Methanol [6574] Vomit, pain, hyperexcitability, convulsions, arched back, head held back, fixed pupils Unknown Milkweed [6581] Bloating, pulse rapid and weak, rapid respiration, spasms, staggering, weakness, weight loss, coma, death. Usually only ingest if drought or overgrazing. See vet Molybdenum [6601] Profuse diarrhea with secondary copper deficiency; also lameness, abnormal gait, anemia, emaciation, joint pain, bone problems, fading of hair color, reproductive failures Correct pasture and feed ratios; make sure copper is in salt Mycotic lupinosis (moldy lupine) [6621] Lazy, loss of appetite, constipation, rumen stasis, yellowing of skin, stupor, death Watch for "blood spot" fungi on pasture litter after rains. Usually fatal. Blue lupines mostly resisant Mycotoxicosis [6641] Mold on any feed: especially fescue, corn, lupine, ryegrass, clover. Can be fatal. Anorexia, incoordination, loss of condition, retarded growth Remove feed source. NEVER use moldy feed Nicotine sulfate [6476] Tremors, inco-ordination, disturbed respiration, coma, death Do NOT use around animals. Immediate vet. Nightshade [6661] Looks like tomato plant; in late summer may be only thing green; apathy, drowsiness, salivation, shortness of breath, weakness, paralysis Unknown; remove all plants Oak [6691] Anorexia, constipation, dry muzzle, black feces or diarrhea with blood and mucous, frequent urination, rapid pulse, emaciation, nasal discharge, thirst, increased urinary output, death Remove from oaks, treat symptoms Paspalum staggers [6721] Fungus affects seed heads of grasses; trembling, incoordination, fall down, eventual paralysis Remove to unaffected feed Penta [6731] Nervous, rapid pulse and respiration, weakness, muscle tremors, fever, convulsions Cool the animal, remove from source, fluids; contact vet Petroleum products [6741] Aspiration pneumonia, anorexia, depression, wasting, rumen stops functioning, excited, drying and crackling of skin, shivering, tremors, incoordination, shortness of breath, death. Release boat, if present. Broad spectrum antibiotics. Wash skin if external. Pine, Western yellow [6751] Abort if consumed in late pregnancy Remove from species which cause problems Poison hemlock [6766] Loss of appetite, bloat, drooling, feeble pulse, paralysis, nervousness, convulsions, rapid death Stimulants; contact vet Prunus spp (cherries, peaches, etc) [6781] Slobbering, rapid pulse and respiration, convulsions, shortness of breath, death Remove from source; be careful of "browse" provided Pyrethroids [6476] Rarely toxic, may cause allergic reactions. Hypersalivation, diarrhea, hypothermia, tremors, shortness of breath, seizures. Contact vet Red clover [6792] Extreme salivation ("slobbers"), diarrhea, occasional death. Recover when removed from source. Watch for ALL blackened legumes in hay Senecio [6841] Chronic poisoning from ragwort, tarweed, etc. Loss of condition, constipation or diarrhea, swollen belly, yellow skin, awkward wandering, press against objects Rarely recover, see vet Sorghum/sudan grass[6861] After lengthy grazing; posterior incoordination, urinary incontinance, evetual paralysis, fetal deformities Contact vet St Johnswort [6871] Photosensitization of area of white skin, itching, blindness, convulsions, death Remove animals from area Strychnine [6866] Seizures, apprehension, stiffness, pupils dilated, cyanotic, death Immediately remove stomach contents, keep calm, to vet. Sweet clover [6921] Stiffness, lameness, hemotomas, GI bleeding, death from faulty blood coagulation Vet. Be real careful of clover hay Vetch [6961] Weakness, trembling, incoordination, paralysis Use caution if feeding vetches Warfarin [6801] Hemorrhage, anemia, melena, weakneess, incoordination, anorexia, digestive symptoms Vitamin K; prevention is easier
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