Hero Member

Posts: 4361
« on: November 10, 2007, 04:30:33 PM » |
As the breeding season approaches,farmers should be concerned with the body condition of their breeding does.Goats should never become too thin or too fat.Problems in reproduction,low twinning rates and low weaning rates happen when does are too thin,fat does can suffer pregnancy toxemia.fat does are rarely a problem. BCS-1,extremely thin,weak,near death BCS-2,extremely thin,thin,but not weak BCS-3,very thin,ribs visible,spinous processes (back bone) very sharp,no fat cover with muscle wasting. BCS-4,slightly thin,most ribs visible,spinous processes sharp,individual processes can be felt easily,slight fat cover over eye muscle. BCS-5.moderate,spinous processes felt but smooth,some fat cover over eye muscle. BCS-6,good,smooth looks,ribs not very visible.spinous processes smooth and round,individual processes very smooth,felt with considerable pressure. BCS-7,fat,ribs not visible,spinous processes felt under firm pressure,considerable fat felt over eye muscle. BCS-8,obese,very fat with spinous processes difficult to feel,ribs cannot be felt,goat has blocky fat appearance. BCS-9,extremely obese,same as 8 but more exaggerated,the goat has deep patchy fat over entire body.
THIN 1-3 MODERATE 4-6 FAT 7-9 try to maintain a BCS of 4-7 if possible.Your goat(s) should have a BCS of 5-6 at the start of your breeding season.