Title: Pagkain para sa Pinoy only Post by: Slyfox on April 07, 2009, 11:35:59 AM (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/8776/spamd.jpg)
:( Title: Re: Pagkain para sa Pinoy only Post by: mikey on April 08, 2009, 01:46:13 AM SUITABLE FOR THE EXPORT TO THE PHILIPPINES
True people can become concerned when they read such a label.The meaning is not BLACK or WHITE.Every country has health laws when it comes to the importation of foodstuffs for its citizens,some countries have a higher standard and some have lower standards.This product is manufactured in Brazil and meets all the minimal standards step by the Govt. of the Philippines. -may mean certain veterinary drugs were used on the animal that is prohibated by other countries -certain by-products are used in the manufacture of the product that is not eaten in other countries (boar taint,uncastrated mature boars) -expired dates -countries that are not FMD Free,just look at the buffalo meat from India??? -mislabeled ingredients -may mean the animal(s) in question was a downer when slaughtered and of poor quality -may mean the standards in the processing of the food was questioned If everyone in the Philippines did not buy the product,there is no market for the product and the product would be shipped to some other country.If people in the Philippines buy the product then there is a market for the product. Right now the USA is in a protection mode for its products,they shut the door on live Canadian hog exports.The EU can ship frozen pork to S.Korea cheaper by 50% than the hog producers can produce hogs in S.Korea.I wrote some time back,Brazil is a agri. production powerhouse of a country that should be watched very closely.Where the Philippines failed in the Singapore pork market,still not 1 kilo of Philippine pork has been delivered to Singapore as of today.Brazil and the EU is willing to fill any or all gaps left.The Philippine loss is another countries gain.Welcome to the world of international trade. Title: Re: Pagkain para sa Pinoy only Post by: nemo on April 08, 2009, 11:15:52 AM IT is just irritating that they put the label "suitable for export to the Philippines".