Title: Kind of Grass for goat Post by: Leonel on May 17, 2011, 05:13:45 PM what kind of grass will the goat eat .. and where i can get it and i want to plant it in our farm .. sorry for my bad english .. i have 8 goat but my male boer died ..
Title: Re: Kind of Grass for goat Post by: nemo on May 18, 2011, 07:08:02 PM napier, para grass, guinea grass, centrosema etc...
Title: Re: Kind of Grass for goat Post by: Leonel on May 19, 2011, 09:27:56 AM where i can get that grass?? and can you give me some guide for the goat
Title: Re: Kind of Grass for goat Post by: nemo on May 20, 2011, 07:13:34 PM try nila sa bureau of plant industry or your local munincipal agricultural office.
Title: Re: Kind of Grass for goat Post by: Mustang Sally Farm on May 29, 2011, 09:39:40 AM Goats are one of those livestock that likes to eat different varities of grasses and forage feeds.Napier grass and para grass are 2 of them.Alaminos Goat Farm is having very good results with indigo.We like malunggay and mulberry,stylo,centro,ipil-ipil,rensonii,madre de cacao,flemingia,the list goes on.
some plants will be native to ypour area but some wil;l have to be introduced.Some forages will be used for their protein content while other are for roughage.In short,the different species you have available to your farem,the better for your goats. |