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on: December 14, 2011, 07:18:49 PM
Update on D.E pricing. Per 1 kg package is still P140 while we have lowered our 25kg sack price to P1,875 or P75 per kg.A further discount applies with an order of 5 - 25kg sacks of D.E will cost P1,750 or P70 per kg. There are many beef,dairy and goat farmers who will use nothing but D.E to deworm their animals and keep them worm free.Plus they have happy neighbors because the animal's manure has next to no odor,flies population greatly decreased. Animals benefit from at 15 beneficial tract elements. For any question or orders,please contant us at or CP#09186203208 We provide an MSDS for every first time purchase. Make sure you request an MSDS before purchasing D.E because there are a lot of fake D.E sellers out there.
on: December 14, 2011, 07:03:12 PM
Hello all,there are three grades of D.E , industrial grade used in pools,breweries,etc as a filtering agent.Next is feed grade which is used as feed supplement which has many benefits for all animal.It is an effect dewormer,it allows one to get the most from the feed given to all animal as it aids the animal to process almost 100% of feed,food protein.Another bonus to that is that the animal's manure will have next to no odor which translates into no flies and no complaining neighbors. Hanging an old rice sack over a barn doorway is a great way to dust any animal to prevent ticks,mites,etc. If you have a problem with ants,termites,cockroaches,spread a little D.E around and your problem will be gone in a couple of days. D.E is great for the poultry farmer.It can be used as a duster and mixed with the feed,will reduce manure odor,lessen the flies,and into the egg business,chickens feed D.E produce larger and a thicker shelled egg. Next grade of D.E is food grade.This grade is used as an anti caking agent in feeds and flour.It is also used by comedic companies.Many people take this grade of D.E internally for the many claimed benefits like lowering of one's cholesterol,plus it is used as a detoxifier . If you have any further questions or would like more info on D.E,feel free to contact us at or CP#09186203208 . We are also a D.E supplier {feed grade} located in Davao City,Philippines
BUY AND SELL / Agricultural / Diatomaceous Earth Book: "Going Green Using Diatomaceous Earth How-to-tips"
on: January 22, 2011, 02:54:11 PM
A complete guidebook to just about every use known for Food grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE). Fifteen years of research has gone into compiling this invaluable manual with input from the most knowledgeable and skilled experts in their fields. Learn how to use this safe, all natural mineral for everything from an insecticide to a deodorizer to a scratch-free cleanser. Chapter Four: Diatomaceous Earth For Agricultural Uses: Diatomaceous Earth for animals comes under the label Anti-Caking Agent, Grain Protectant, or Inert Carrier and has been used for decades in agriculture both externally and internally as a feed additive, and in horticulture. Anti-caking agent is just what it says; it’s a material that is added to another powder, animal feed or grain to facilitate better handling and mixability by keeping it clump-free and consequently free-flowing when poured. It has a beneficial effect on health not only when applied externally to animals and birds but also when added to their feed by providing natural trace Minerals for growth and strength, among many other benefits.
The many anecdotal success stories from farmers attribute Diatomaceous Earth to making sick and skinny animals well again: eliminating scours and intestinal and external parasites; keeping coats and eyes shiny; reducing veterinarian bills; increasing milk production; and keeping animals generally more contented. The manure of animals fed Diatomaceous Earth has reduced odor, which keeps farmers, animals and birds happy due to the reduction of flies. Diatomaceous Earth can be safely used in poultry houses and even on the chickens and also on other birds such as ostriches. It can be spread over manure around the barn, stable, poultry house or milking parlor. It can be applied on top of and around feed-bags and bins to prevent damage by grain insects, and it can be applied on crops and orchards right up to the time of harvest. Anecdotal success stories are provided for ideas on how to apply Diatomaceous Earth to birds and animals, on farms and large commercial scale acreage of crops and orchards.
BUY AND SELL / Agricultural / Organic Dewormer- Anti scour- Anti Odor - Available Throughout the Philippines
on: January 19, 2011, 05:45:09 PM
Are you struggling to keep your pigs,goats,cows,chickens worm free? Are you sick and tired of seeing your animals being sick from parasitic worms both inside and outside their bodies?Are you struggling trying to keep flies under control? Are you struggling with mastitus in your dairy cows or goats? Have you ever lost a animal to scours/diarrhea,maybe a purebred?Are you tired of huge vet bills? A farmer's profit can easily be wiped out by any of the problems listed above. Would you believe that there is an organic,affordable homegrown solution to all those problems?Well,there is,and it is now available Philippines wide. It is a product produced by Delta Romeo Trading called DTM 808 Feed Additive {fresh water diatomaceous earth,D.E for short.It is mined and processed here in the Philippines.A homegrown product. So what is this D.E {DTM 808 } stuff? Is it a scam or a hoax,a ripoff? The following is information on this money saving product which will include testimonials from farmers in Canada and the United States of America. Diatomaceous earth is not really an "earth". It is a product made from the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants called Diatoms. These plants inhabit all the waters of the earth. Some of these deposits shifted to dry land. There are different grades of Diatomaceous earth that are used for different purposes. Only use fresh water, FOOD or FEED GRADE Diatomaceous earth for humans or animals.Diatomaceous earth is used as an insecticide. Its fine powder absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects' exoskeletons, which causes them to dehydrate. It's often used instead of boric acid to control and eliminate a cockroach infestation. It's used to control insects in grain storage, and also to get rid of ticks, fleas, aphids, silverfish, bed bugs, red spider mites, and other insects in the home. Use it as a barrier against slugs and snails. Diatomaceous Earth is pure organic so it won't harm the soil, or any animals that eat the insects that came in contact with it.It's beneficial as a soil additive, adding nitrogen to the soil. Diatomaceous earth can retain over 6 times its weight in moisture and will release it as the plants need it.Diatomaceous earth is approved by the US Department of Agriculture as a feed supplement. Now the following testimonials : Diatomaceous Earth - Feeding to Dairy Cows
Daniel M. Brandt, McFarland, Wisconsin
Results from feeding 5 to 6 oz. of food-grade diatomaceous earth to dairy heard for a period of five weeks: Butterfat tests have shown an increase of 3.7 to 3.9; mastitis, which had been quite a severe problem, came under control (no new cases); cows are brighter and healthier in appearance and milk productio has increased without an appreciable increase in feed.
J.S. Bunker, Bunker Farms, Mesa, Arizona
After feeding 100 dairy cows on DE for approximately one year, the following results were noted: warbles became non-existent; fly nuisance almost completely disappeared; odors were almost completely gone cows have better hair and coat condition and have no desire to lick soil as in the past; vet bills have been significantly reduced; butterfat content has risen from 503 lbs. per cow to 513 lbs.per cow.
Dairy Herd Association Improvement Program, Hussey Farms, Litchfield Park, Arizona
Test run on purebred Jersey dairy cows given free choice access to codex food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE). Average intake was three ounces per cow per day. After six months the following results were observed:
Milk production in the test group increased over 20% with butter-fat content remaining the same. Warbles problems came to an abrupt halt. Feed assimilation imporoved and fly problems were brought under control.
More testimonials: Can humans also benefit from taking D.E?
So,the choice is now up to you.You can continue down the road you have been traveling with your veterinarian or you can take a new road and experience what DTM 808 {D.E} can do for you and your animals.Isn't it time you started to enjoy farming instead of being stressed out over animal health issues?
In the Davao area,Scott Enterprises is the sole distributor for Delta Romeo trading's DTM 808 Feed Additive {feed grade D.E}. Purchasing by the kilo will cost P140 per kilo so we suggest you consider purchasing a 25kg sack for P2000 or P80 per kg. Food Grade D.E is also available but at a higher cost of P150 per kg for a 25kg sack. Please contact Scott Enterprises at or text 09186203208 . If outside of Davao City,please visit for info on a distributor nearest you. " Start experiencing healthier livestock,productive output,greater savings and a cleaner and greener environment today "
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Diatomaceous Earth {D.E} A farmers true friend
on: January 18, 2011, 06:33:53 PM
Hello all,we offer you an organic solution to your worm problem. It's Diatomaceous Earth, D.E for short. It is now available throughout all the Philippines.Here is one Philippine goat farmer's experience using D.E " I have been using DE for my goats for about 3 years now and have been doing composting with worms using my goat's manure even much longer. My experience is that the DE I have been feeding my goats and obviously excreted thru their manure which I feed to my worms has not in any way affected my worms. I have not dewormed my goats since and I can tell my goats are, from all indications, worm free as they all look very healthy even during rainy season when goats usually look unthrifty. Even diarrhea is now a thing of the past in my goat herd. Two weeks ago I had a goat addition that looked like it had external parasites(mange) which I asked my caretaker to rub some DE all over it's coat. Just today when I inspected the goat again I was amazed to see how it started showing shiny haircoat and what seemed to be a thicker haircover. I have also started adding DE to my chicken feeds and the chickens love it. Yes, i have also seen how DE drove away the ants around the house. Cockroaches, too." This is only a small example of what D.E can do for you and your goats. The Feed Grade D.E also contains 14 trace minerals,some of which are vital for goats health like copper,zinc and selenium. For cattle farmers:The popularity of Diatomaceous Earth as a prevention for calf scours has built over the past decade. This information has passed word-of-mouth from producer to producer and has been widely publicized in the the print media.The purity of the Diatomaceous Earth product becomes more important when used as a calf scour prevention. The purer the product, the less risk the calves will go back to eating black dirt. The purpose of providing Diatomaceous Earth free choice to the calves is to prevent them from doing this. So, why will they eat Diatomaceous Earth instead? About 60% of the earth's crust is Silicon Dioxide. It's in the form of crystalline silica such as rocks, clays, quartz (sand) soil and precious stones. Black dirt contains a crystalline type of Silicon Dioxide. The barnyard variety, contaminated with disease organisms, bacteria and parasites, can be a killer for newborn calves. The common denominator would appear to be the Silicon Dioxide content.Diatomaceous Earth as a feed additive has not received the same publicity as it has for scour prevention. As a dirt-eating alternative, it's effects are evident when you see how the calves go after it! It's not as obvious when used as a feed additive, however, one use has led to the other. Producers who used it as a scour prevention are re-introducing the same calves to Diatomaceous Earth when they come in from the pasture. Some start the calves prior to weaning, others start it at weaning time. Producers use it as a top dressing when starting calves on feed or when making a ration change. For newly weaned calves, they seem to get eating and drinking faster when Diatomaceous Earth is used. Their stress level is reduced, cutting down on runny noses etc. Customers not only use it for their cattle herds and calves, but also for sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, horses and bison. Hog producers in particular, have reported that the beneficial effects as a feed additive, evident in other livestock, appear more pronounced in livestock raised in a more confined environment. As a feed additive, it is used by feed mills as an anti-caking agent. The recommended rate is not to exceed 2% of the total diet. It's properties promote digestion by keeping feed particles separate. By inhibiting clumping, more of the surface area of the feed is exposed to the digestion process. This points to better feed conversion. Producers that process their own grains are adding Diatomaceous Earth to their regular mixes. The results of using Diatomaceous Earth are most evident when applied to organic production. The beneficial effects of using it can not be attributed to medicated feeds, antibiotic use, implants or any other chemical use because organic producers don't use any of these products. D.E does contain several essential trace minerals. This is not an aspect we have emphasized in the past. Producers using it as a scour prevention do not often consider the possibility of secondary benefits. Also, we are not convinced these minerals are readily accessible to very young calves. Their systems are operating on a liquid diet when Diatomaceous Earth is being used. The digestion process may be too fast or too underdeveloped to benefit from the trace mineral content. As producers,they use it as a scour prevention and as a feed additive for the cows. As many producers are now using D.E as a feed additive, we are more confident in promoting the trace minerals as a possible benefit.
Testimonials from dairy farmers in the United States of America Daniel M. Brandt, McFarland, Wisconsin
Results from feeding 5 to 6 oz. of food-grade diatomaceous earth to dairy heard for a period of five weeks: Butterfat tests have shown an increase of 3.7 to 3.9; mastitis, which had been quite a severe problem, came under control (no new cases); cows are brighter and healthier in appearance and milk productio has increased without an appreciable increase in feed.
J.S. Bunker, Bunker Farms, Mesa, Arizona
After feeding 100 dairy cows on DE for approximately one year, the following results were noted: warbles became non-existent; fly nuisance almost completely disappeared; odors were almost completely gone cows have better hair and coat condition and have no desire to lick soil as in the past; vet bills have been significantly reduced; butterfat content has risen from 503 lbs. per cow to 513 lbs.per cow.
Dairy Herd Association Improvement Program, Hussey Farms, Litchfield Park, Arizona
Test run on purebred Jersey dairy cows given free choice access to codex food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE). Average intake was three ounces per cow per day. After six months the following results were observed:
Milk production in the test group increased over 20% with butter-fat content remaining the same. Warbles problems came to an abrupt halt. Feed assimilation imporoved and fly problems were brought under control.
Diatomaceous earth keeps chickens healthier
Removing lice and mites. Diatomaceous earth can be dusted between the feathers and onto the skin regularly. It can be added to dust baths which is particularly useful.
Added to poultry feed - daily use can result in fewer worms, less mortality and better feathering. There are many different trace minerals contained in diatomaceous earth that are beneficial to poultry. The dose that is commonly used in most animals from poultry to cats, dogs and even cattle is between 2 and 5% (follow the manufacturers recommendations) added to their feed.
Diatomaceous Earth is particularly useful if you keep poultry and is well worth having to help in the battle against worms, red mite and lice.
Diatomaceous Earth is a poultry-keeper's best friend. It's 100% natural, and is used to help prevent for all manner of poultry ailments including intestinal worms, mites and lice. It's safe and non-toxic. Diatomaceous earth is an abrasive, fine white powder made of the tiny fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae. Ours is feed-grade, so it's safe for your pet chickens and safe for you to eat their eggs. Recommendations are to add 1 pound of DE to every 50 pounds of feed to help prevent worms. To help prevent mites or lice, sprinkle some in the nest boxes, coop bedding, and especially in your chickens' dust bathing area. To treat a current infestation in your flock, apply it directly to your birds, especially beneath their wings and around their vents. (You can even use it in your house to treat ant infestations and kill cockroaches.}
The following web site gives testimonials from farmers in Canada.
DTM808 {D.E} feed additive is a product of Delta Romeo Trading.The D.E is mined in Marinduque and then processed in Manila so it is a home grown product. Scott Enterprises is the area distributor for DTM D.E feed additive for Davao ,Mindanao. For a distributer in your area,go to Scott Enterprises sells D.E for P140 per kg,but your best saving is to purchase D.E by the sack which only cost P80 per kg or P2000 per sack.Again that is a "feed grade D.E" Suggested dosage of DTM 808 feed grade D.E for goats is 3kg mixed with 50kg of feed. I almost forgot to mention that it also prevent scouring. Goats feed D.E are able to digest almost 100% of the protein in feed which means the goats manure will have no odor.No odor means no flies.
So you see,there are many advantages to using D.E .For orders in Davao,email us at or call/text 09186203208 and start saving money today.
on: January 18, 2011, 05:45:18 PM
Hello all,we offer you an organic solution to your worm problem. It's Diatomaceous Earth, D.E for short. It is now available throughout all the Philippines.Here is one goat farmer's experience with D.E " I have been using DE for my goats for about 3 years now and have been doing composting with worms using my goat's manure even much longer. My experience is that the DE I have been feeding my goats and obviously excreted thru their manure which I feed to my worms has not in any way affected my worms. I have not dewormed my goats since and I can tell my goats are, from all indications, worm free as they all look very healthy even during rainy season when goats usually look unthrifty. Even diarrhea is now a thing of the past in my goat herd. Two weeks ago I had a goat addition that looked like it had external parasites(mange) which I asked my caretaker to rub some DE all over it's coat. Just today when I inspected the goat again I was amazed to see how it started showing shiny haircoat and what seemed to be a thicker haircover. I have also started adding DE to my chicken feeds and the chickens love it. Yes, i have also seen how DE drove away the ants around the house. Cockroaches, too." This is only a small example of what D.E can do for you and your goats. The Feed Grade D.E also contains 14 trace minerals,some of which are vital for goats health like copper,zinc and selenium. DTM808 {D.E} feed additive is a product of Delta Romeo Trading.The D.E is mined in Marinduque and then processed in Manila so it is a home grown product. Scott Enterprises is the area distributor for DTM D.E feed additive for Davao ,Mindanao. For a distributer in your area,go to Scott Enterprises sells D.E for P140 per kg,but your best saving is to purchase D.E by the sack which only cost P80 per kg or P2000 per sack.Again that is a "feed grade D.E" Suggested dosage of DTM 808 feed grade D.E for goats is 3kg mixed with 50kg of feed. I almost forgot to mention that it also prevent scouring. Goats feed D.E are able to digest almost 100% of the protein in feed which means the goats manure will have no odor.No odor means no flies. So you see,there are many advantages to using D.E .For orders in Davao,email us at or call/text 09186203208 and start saving money today.