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1  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / how to choose quality feeds for broiler, layer chicken on: August 10, 2012, 11:33:41 AM
feeds is 78-80 percent of the total expenses in livestock production, wherein it can dictates the over all performance of the whole production, but always remember management and chicks quality are also big
factors to considered. here are some points to consider to check if your feeds is in good quality:

1). survey your area on what feeds is mostly use by raisers/ farmers.
     so that you have an idea on its performance.

2). upon delivery of the feeds check the production date so that you are sure that your feeds is
     always fresh.

3). if the delivered feeds is pelleted or crumble always check the percent of fines too much of it could affect feeds consumed, thus target weight is also affected.

4). check for aroma some farm owner believes that aroma of the feed could increase feed consume.

5). check the size of pelleted feeds size could also affect the feeds consumption.

6). always check the reaction of your flock in feeds thru feeds refusal, wet drops, and FCR. but always remember feeds are not always liable for this reaction, check for any factors like management during brooding, weather, bacterial or viral infections, of mostly nutritional incompatibilities or over dosage.

7). have a regular monitoring especially in toxin levels of the feeds.

Rock I. Lamit DVM
Poultry consultant
PRC lic.# 7672

mobile num. 09175936316
2  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: what should i considered before i build my poultry building? on: August 10, 2012, 08:06:04 AM
yup i conduct seminars as speakers.
3  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / what should i considered before i build my poultry building? on: August 09, 2012, 10:42:42 AM

some consideration before putting up a poultry building for broiler or layer farm:

- it should be away from residential area to avoid conflict in legal matters.
bec. poultry farming is very annoying from your neighbors mostly during rainy seasons due to flies, ammonia build up, smell.for this problem.

-set a effective fly and waste management control program.

- considered the size of your land
this will your basis for the capacity of your building in terms of population of broiler of layer chicks
considered that you get the exact size and capacity of the building you must

-considered the orientation it must be always on east to west direction
this important in terms of the effect of direct sunlight that will further affect temperature inside the building
thus your flock performance.

-consider your budget allocation for building.

-plan where you can put safely your feeds, your right of way, water source, electricity, generator,
this things are important during operation.

-consider the air circulation in your area some factors affect the air circulation are upland areas, trees around the building etc.

Rock I. Lamit DVM
Poultry consultant

PRC lic. # 7672

4  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: consideration in making vaccination and medication program for broilers on: August 09, 2012, 09:54:29 AM
5  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: guidelines for small scale broiler farming on: August 09, 2012, 09:52:40 AM
 Roll Eyes
6  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: secrets to be successful in broiler business on: August 09, 2012, 09:50:36 AM
pls check robina website, sustamina, and vitarich and coordinate with their  the salesmen
7  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / how to differentiate class A chicks from class c or reject in broiler and layer on: August 09, 2012, 09:46:43 AM
always remember

quality chicks+ quality feeds+good management= good production

class A chicks                                               Class C or reject chicks                    Important

navel are close and dry                                  wet with black spot          they will mostly die before 7 days
wt. broiler at least 38gms to 45                        37 gms below         but always depends on age of breeder 
layer atleast 33 grms                                      30 gms below         but always depends on age of breeder
alert and playful at day 1                                 sleepy at day 1      but check the your brooder pen
uniform in size                                               diff. in size due to diff. batches of chicks

for your questions and other information

Dr. Rock I. Lamit
Poultry Consultant
PRC lic# 7672

8  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: cost to produce in small scale broiler production on: August 09, 2012, 08:42:43 AM

   Good day po! Paki send naman po ng mga medicine needed when raising broiler chicken at kung kailan sya dapat i administer. I am on a learning curve right now and would like to raise a small scale broiler. Any information is appreciated.

   Another question po. Which one is profitable, broiler or layer? Meron po ba kayong feasibility study for layer production. Kung meron po paki share naman, i send nalang po sa add ko

i will make differentiation bet. the broiler and layer in terms of profitability
9  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: cost to produce in small scale broiler production on: August 09, 2012, 08:39:58 AM
vitamins and minerals and its importtant will be discuss by your license veterinarian bec it will always depend on the condition of your chicks, weather, and feed contents
10  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: cost to produce in small scale broiler production on: July 04, 2012, 02:18:03 PM
Poultry Farming for small scale operation 1000 chicks

Factors to be considered


-to get 1.6kg at 35 days with 55 bags as your allotted feeds
-FCR of 1.76
-HR of atleast 97%
-cost to produce per kg at this time must be 62 pesos


this will not include building cost ranging from 120 to 400 pesos per bird and other materials needed (waterer, Feeders, heater)
day old chicks ph23
55 bags (booster,starter, finisher feeds) with average price of ph1300
cost of medication/ vaccination 2-3 pesos per bird
electricity/ others ph1/ bird
labor if above 1000 chicks

Basic assumption on small scale poultry farming

day-old-chicks (DOC)          ph23*1000= 23000
bags of feeds                    ph1300*55= 71500
medication/Vac                  ph1*1000 = 1000
electricity and others          ph 1*1000= 1000

Total                                                96500



97% HR        970*1.6kg= 1552kg

1552kg* ph100 (price in market)= 155,200 total price

155,200- 96500 (input) =            58,700 total

cost to produce  =                    ph62           

excluded of feces collected that could use as fertilizer

for more info

Rock I. Lamit D.V.M.
lic# 7672
Poultry consultant

Mobile # 09175936316

11  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / secrets to be successful in broiler business on: July 04, 2012, 11:21:50 AM
to be able to achieved targets in broiler you must always consider the ffg.

1. purchase good quality chicks in a highly reputable hatchery (differentiate it from class A to C)
    as a general rule class A chicks produce good chicken during hauling provided with good management (vaccination and medication program by your veterinarian).

2.Purchase high quality feeds to achieve optimum performance of the chicks.
   low dense feeds produce smaller chicks than high dense provided that purchased feeds contain tolerable level of mycotoxins that is very important in broiler production in terms of health of the flock.

3. good Farm management specially during brooding period where the most critical period for broiler
    wherein in can affect the over all performance of the farm. Farm management usually are based on the experience. 

farm management includes:

bio security through proper disinfection in vehicles, visitors
farm cleaning/ disinfection after harvest (must be at least 14 days)
brooding management
feeding/ watering system
vaccination/medication program
lightning system

4. proper housing/building design to achieved maximum performance of feeds and chicks.
    this include:
    proper orientation of the building ( east to west).
    proper floor spacing (1foot/ bird).
    proper ventilation inside the building to avoid heat stroke during finisher stage.
    proper lightning inside the building to stimulate the birds to eat.
5. proper management during harvest time
    always considered that mortality during harvest time could increase if ventilation is poor inside the building. and avoid hauling during hottest part of the day.
   Rock I. Lamit D.V.M
   Poultry Consultant
   PRC lic. # 7672
   Mobile num. 09175936316

12  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Re: cost to produce in small scale broiler production on: July 04, 2012, 08:00:44 AM
sample of input for 100 heads at ph35 DOC's

Poultry Farming for small scale operation 100 chicks

Factors to be considered


-to get 1.6kg at 35 days with 5.5 bags as your allotted feeds for 100 heads
-FCR of 1.76
-HR of atleast 97%
-cost to produce per kg at this time must be 62 pesos


this will not include building cost ranging from 120 to 400 pesos per bird and other materials needed (waterer, Feeders, heater)
day old chicks ph23
55 bags (booster,starter, finisher feeds) with average price of ph1300
cost of medication/ vaccination 2-3 pesos per bird
electricity/ others ph1/ bird
labor if above 1000 chicks

Basic assumption on small scale poultry farming

day-old-chicks (DOC)          ph35*100= 3500
bags of feeds                    ph1300*5.5=7150
medication/Vac                  ph1*100 = 100
electricity and others          ph 1*100= 100

Total                                             10850                                             



97% HR        97*1.6kg= 155.2kg

155.2kg* ph100 (price in market)= 15520 total price

15520- 10850(input) =                4670 total profit

cost to produce  =                    ph69         

excluded of feces collected that could use as fertilizer

for more info

Rock I. Lamit D.V.M.
lic# 7672
Poultry consultant

Mobile # 09175936316
13  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / guide in 33- 35 days broiler farming on: June 26, 2012, 11:07:45 AM
guidelines for small scale broiler farming

-determine the demand in your area based on preferred weight (some client needs large chicken or medium-sized 1.6 kg)
-know the budget allocations for your target population per cycle
-buy only class A DOC's from disease-free hatchery
-choose high quality feeds to optimize the performance of Class A day-old-chicks
-make sure that farm materials (waterer, feeders, light bulb) are complete before loading.
-your building must be cleaned thoroughly of at least 2 weeks before chicks arrival.
-vaccines,vitamin supplements and antibiotics must always use correctly to maximize chicks performance.
-medication and vaccination program depend on the area contact your veterinarian for proper implementation to avoid
 losses due to disease outbreak in the farm.

Rock I. Lamit D.V.M.
Lic# 7672
Poultry consultant


14  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / Budget allocation for 1000 chicks broiler production on: June 26, 2012, 10:48:02 AM
Poultry Farming for small scale operation 1000 chicks

Factors to be considered


-to get 1.6kg at 35 days with 55 bags as your allotted feeds
-FCR of 1.76
-HR of atleast 97%
-cost to produce per kg at this time must be 62 pesos


this will not include building cost ranging from 120 to 400 pesos per bird and other materials needed (waterer, Feeders, heater)
day old chicks ph23
55 bags (booster,starter, finisher feeds) with average price of ph1300
cost of medication/ vaccination 2-3 pesos per bird
electricity/ others ph1/ bird
labor if above 1000 chicks

Basic assumption on small scale poultry farming

day-old-chicks (DOC)          ph23*1000= 23000
bags of feeds                    ph1300*55= 71500
medication/Vac                  ph1*1000 = 1000
electricity and others          ph 1*1000= 1000

Total                                                96500



97% HR        970*1.6kg= 1552kg

1552kg* ph100 (price in market)= 155,200 total price

155,200- 96500 (input) =            58,700 total

cost to produce  =                    ph62           

excluded of feces collected that could use as fertilizer

for more info

Rock I. Lamit D.V.M.
lic# 7672
Poultry consultant

Mobile # 09175936316

15  LIVESTOCKS / POULTRY / consideration in making vaccination and medication program for broilers on: June 25, 2012, 10:17:28 AM
 vaccination program
1. determine the disease outbreak for the last 3 years in the area.
2. prioritize those disease that are endemic in the area.
3. avoid the use of chlorinated water if administration of vaccination is through oral.
4. check the vaccine if it is live, killed or attenuated for proper handling.

 making medication program and its considerations
1. determine drug inter actions ( extra labeled drugs, contraindications)
2. determine drug actions  and withdrawal period
3. for vitamins and minerals always determine the interval and time of administration ( some vitamins are sensitive in temperature)
4. and more important to all is correct dosage by manufacturer or by weight.

for more info and questions

Rock I. Lamit D.V.M
Poultry consultant
PRC lic. num 7672

cp num.09175936316
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