milking peroids must be established and strictly adhered.If milking is done twice a day,example at 6am and 6pm,the purpose should not be delayed or advanced.Possibly the same personnel should be used.Goats have been known to withhold milk,so unneccessary changes in the routine should be advoided.Milk quickly and continuously,milk let down can be initated by washing the udder with warm water and wiping with a clean towel.All milking utensils especially the milkers hands must be thoroughly cleaned.Feed concentrates during milking, serves as incentive to the goats for them to enjoy and look forward too.Contrary to popular belief,properly drawn and processed goat milk has no offending smell.During milking,the buck(s) should not be near the doe(s) to avoid transfer of the typical goat smell to the milk.
By: Special Thanks To The Philippine Govt.
By: Special Thanks To The Philippine Govt.
Good day po, I am interested to buy milking gaots breed, Please. if anyone wanted to sell, send me e-mail at