Thanks for the inputs . . .yes right now it is still manageable since its just 25 heads . . . just preparing for it when the time comes where the number of heads increases. It would be advisable to have some identification . . .
agreed on that . . . we even have an experience where we bought a cow from another barangay and after 2 weeks it gave birth . . . so even the previous owner was not able to detect that the cow was pregnant prior to selling . . .
I am a backyard cattle raiser for the past 4 years in Nueva Ecija area and am practicing the so called 'paalaga or paiwi system'. As I see it at some stage it would be difficult for me to identify on which one is mine especially if the number of heads is increasing. That's why I am trying to find an animal ID system. I wander if you know somebody in central luzon or nueva ecija area that is selling an animal ID.