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LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: goat diet (concentrates)
on: August 13, 2007, 12:57:16 PM
Nemo,thank-you for your help,we should be able to make a good concentrates formula with the information you have given,as for the importing of terminal sire(s),I will try Austrade in Manila,looking for a special breed that is not in the Philippines yet,we are in Region 7 uplands people and the Govt. office here cannot help us. Thanks For Your Help and Support The Goat mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / can I make my own pig crumble
on: August 13, 2007, 07:38:22 AM
I think one should be able to make their pig crumble,lets be honest,a pig will eat anything,in North America lots of people feed their hogs food other than pig crumble,starting to plant food for our goats,soyabeans(seeds from Canada)whole wheat,barley,Philippine corn,mongobeans,is this not the basics for pig crumble(maybe not mongobeans)okay fishmeal,bloodmeal and bonemeal might be hard to find,salt,brown sugar and seaweed are all available,Someone in the Philippines must have the answer,the cost to raise and feed 50 piglets over $7000.00(CDN.) or P300000.00 and not much profit for all the work,at this rate even OFW cannot afford to help their families with pig operations,our breeding sows and boars get wet fed with corn,swamp cabbage,vegetables,fruits,brown sugar,seaweed and thay are all healthy and breed well,some of our sows have 18 per litter,its the weaned piglets that get the crumble or they get sick and die,there must be a answer to this problem.Thank-You mikey
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / goat diet (concentrates)
on: August 12, 2007, 01:32:07 PM
Our goats are fed pig crumble for their concentrates because it works the best in terms of protein,in the process now of planting corn,soyabeans,whole wheat,barley.mongobeans,soyabeans having more protein than mongobeans.I would like to know what ratio I need to mix 100 kilos at a time,how much corn kilos to whole wheat and barley and soyabeans will add salt,brown sugar,oyster shell,dried seaweed. Support The Goat//////////////////////////////////////////////////mikey
on: August 12, 2007, 01:13:08 PM
Hi,I could tell from what you have written sounds North American,yes we have larger areas of land in the west,the Philippines is a hot and humid climate land mass smaller and goats in confinement is now the norm,proper management is the key and having breeds that do well is important rather than wanting to have good fullbloods that only cost you a small fortune to maintain,lack of good terminal sire(s) is another problem with only a few breeds to choose from,more in the dairy line,Boar and Kiko (if you can find one) for the meat line.Goats bred for the Philippine climate is most important followed by hardyness.Unless more terminal sire(s) are imported into the country breeding will be limited to what you have to work with. Good Luck and Support the Goat////////////////////////////////mikey