on: September 05, 2007, 03:05:57 PM
Okay,Mr Nemo says cannot be from mosquitos,well this is what I was told ,piglets died from mosquitos,vets did give injections,still lost some,I will have too look into this.maybe they ate them hehehe.The bio gas sounds real good,energy savings is a real plus,solar was another one I was thinking about.Solar may be good for lighting,not enough for venting,I was thinking about exhaust fans,you turn them around so they suck in from the outside,blow inside,they blow quite alot of air around,I am lucky my wifes family own the lands around the different barns,hogs,goats,cattle and turkeys.I guess I am making my share of stink,not good for the enviroment tho,we use all the manure for our crops.Good Farming mikey
BUY AND SELL / Agricultural / Looking for Duroc
on: September 05, 2007, 12:34:27 PM
Hi, am looking for a purebred Duroc boar,the farm is in region 7,I think someone around Dumageute City raises the dark red Durocs,looking too buy a male or two. mikey
on: September 05, 2007, 12:23:21 PM
Hi Mr Hog,yes it is true (mosquitos) can cause us farmers real problems,a few years back we had problems with the mosquitos,lost some piglets,vets were there to give injections,still lost some.One of the problem I see hog farming in the tropics,is shelter,we cannot totally enclose,I tried this and the pigs almost died from overheating,tore the metal siding off used bamboo (vertical) helps air to past through.The cement bottom is kept wet to keep the pigs cooler.My brother in law at one point was going to install netting to keep the flies and mosquitos out.I plan on checking on ventalation,the type here in Canada is tunnel,cost alot of money,was thinking of using some sort of industrial fans,they move alot of air,Air in and air out,you can use plastic for running duct work. Good luck Farming mikey
on: August 30, 2007, 03:31:49 PM
Good day Mr Hog,I red on the net some time back,this comes from the Philippines,some hog farmers use bamboo charcoal mixed in their hog feed to help with the hogs odors,never said how much to use and said only bamboo charcoal,told my brother-in-law about it,lucky for us we live in a farming belt and no worries about residential development,also we had to get a license from our mayor for the hog operation.Good Farming To You P.S. Mr Nemo is the expert here DVM,his call on the bamboo charcoal. we use all our hog manure for the crops. mikey Mr Nemo,you have the best WEBSITE in all of the Philippines,I have been to alot of websites,I vote this site number #1
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: can I make my own pig crumble
on: August 29, 2007, 02:56:35 PM
Mr Nemo,you are a gentleman and a scholar,now I think we will be organic next year with the formulation you emailed me,I wish to thank -you for all your advise and help.Have a good day mikey
on: August 21, 2007, 03:20:16 PM
Mr Hog, relax,before you drive yourself crazy man,I stated before trying to count your chickens before they hatch may turn out to be a big disappointment,We look at our sows on a one to one bases,some are better producers some are less,I think it would be very difficult to do a yearly profit projection ,how much does it cost to operate your farm on a monthly bases,how many piglets are born in any given month,take it one step at a time,operating cost always rise,food,labour,electric,so on and so on,we do ours on a year end bases,what type of breeding do you do?the most common now is the 3 way cross,a good book can really help you,Mr Nemo sells books on hogs,would be a worth while investment,remember the better you educate yourself the better in the long run,we both live in Canada,farmers are business people in the PROTEIN DELIVERY BUSINESS that is what Canadian farmers refer to themselves,as for the distance from Dumageute City to our place,approx. 4-5 hours up into the mountains 1 way,all buyers come from Cebu for livestock. have a nice day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: seaweed as a vitamin
on: August 21, 2007, 02:45:09 AM
Mr Nemo,you are right,do believe it is exported,we buy it from the people who harvest it,by the sack full,dry it and grind it and fed it to the livestock,has to be dried and mix it in their food,so far in the long run cheaper than store bought vitamins at least in our area,maybe not so in other areas,maybe it depends on where you live,so far it is working for us,I look at it this way,if it is good enough for humans must be good for livestock,maybe in the cities it would cost way too much. Have a nice day mikey
on: August 21, 2007, 02:25:57 AM
Mr Hog, do not feel bad,I only pay he bills also.I did buy my brother-in-law a book on hogs and he did attent a seminar which really helped him out.The farm is located in Negros Oriental,outside LaLibertad,thanks to Mr Nemo for his valueable information,if you try and track profits,you will drive yourself crazy,I have learned just to relax and look at the big picture,I think it is hard to figure out how many piglets your sows will have in a given year,you have outside forces beyond anyones control,some sows have more ,some have less.Have a nice day mikey.
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / What will happen to the Native Hog
on: August 20, 2007, 02:16:40 PM
Mr Nimo,in the mad rush too produce faster growing hogs with higher litter rates,where does this leave the native hog,my fear is the Philippines may lose this little gem,If you stop and think about it for a moment the native hog has far better hybrid vigor over the whites.I was wondering is there still a market for the natives,would hate to see any country lose such a valueable species.I red somewhere if you breed a native sow to a white boar,the litter will be small and the piglets small like the mother,but if you breed a white sow to a native boar,larger litter size with larger piglets?am considering getting a few natives to hang onto that gene pool just in case some day one never knows,or do you think I am wasting my time. Thank you for your opinion. have a nice day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / seaweed as a vitamin
on: August 20, 2007, 01:25:26 PM
Mr Nemo,because vitamins cost alot of money in any country,I red about dried seaweed as a vitamin,been using it for 3 months now on our stocks,goats,hogs, cattle and turkeys,my brother in law says he sees a improvement in the condition of the livestock,coats are better looking,what do you think?has not harmed them.have a nice day mikey
on: August 20, 2007, 12:36:44 PM
Mr Hog,maybe I should put our hogs on the Jenny Craig diet then lol,we feed ours alot more than that,especially when pregnant,dry sows are kept skinnier,do believe you may have it backwards,Mr Nimo will be able to answer this for us.Mr Hog,are you breeding with the 3 way upgrade?Large white X landraceX Duroc? Hogs like any commodity,prices go up and prices come down,in our area now prices are down,prices always jump up more closer to Christmas,the old saying do not count your chickens before they hatch,crumble in our area over P1000.00 per 50 kg sack and climbing,some days I think should have stayed a copra farmer lol. Have a nice day mikey
on: August 19, 2007, 10:02:14 AM
Mr Hog, boy you must have some real skinny hogs. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: can I make my own pig crumble
on: August 13, 2007, 02:00:56 PM
Mr.Hog,from British Columbia Canada, the west coast,as for the pig feed,it cost alot,the farm is located in Region 7 uplands,this is taken from our books crumble 50kg. cost P600.00 to 1050. depends on how much was bought at 1 time hog raised to 100kg. eats 10 50kg. sacks of crumble cost =P6000.00 per head plus overhead P500.00 per head plus toal cost = P6500.00 plus 100kg. hog sold for P7000.00 each head 50 heads to 100kg. cost P300,000.00 sold in 2006 for P350,000.00 PROFIT = P50,000.00 Have red on the net about the large hog farms in the Philippines going broke ,they can no longer afford to fatten their hogs,not profitable any longer in the fattening business ,Buyers come from Cebu and visit farms here to buy livestock,do you really think us uplands people get a fair price for our livestock NO ,we do not,what other choice do we have,none of us have transportation to move our livestock to Cebu,from our place to Cebu is 1 days travel,sometimes overnight.People here no longer want the native pig,white pigs need alot of water,they are in my opinion high maintance,you have to hire people to build housing.welders for the metal dividers,water supply and pipes,hollow block supplier,cement,rebar,the list goes on and on,We are only able to make a go at it because we sell our pig at 2-3 months old for P1400.00 each,this is a niche market for us and so far the buyers buy them.Good Luck Farming mikey