LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Goat estrus
on: September 21, 2007, 02:18:29 AM
Dr. Nemo,we have found that if you wean too early,the kid(s) do very poorly,loose weight and sometimes die,have found it best to wean at 4 months,this year we lost no babies,2006 lost 60% of the kid(s) that was a bad year for us.The native goat matures faster but has slower growing babies,anglos and upgrades have better hybrid vigor (carcass production),our natives do better with the concentrates they are fed,the 3 way cross seems to be a winner in the Philippines now,meat and milk,anglo buck to native doe x boer buck,you get a goat that is bigger and able to milk with good meat qualities,hope this mix will be a winner in the Philippines.Our anglos do well at the farm,we get approx. 1 litre per doe which is average for a anglo,better does will give 1 1/2 litres.Some of us are working on the idea,the Philippines needs a dual purpose goat,milk and meat,anglos are that kind of goat,but they cost so much that the average farmer cannot afford,this is why the 3 way cross may have a future,this kind of goat has to be affordable to farmers.I still hold hope that the people at our place will give the goats milk to their children to help in their daily needs,so far we cannot give it away for free,and it is pasturzied first,hogs get to eat it now.The old saying you can lead a horse to water but you cannot force it too drink.Anglo milk is top quality and in time the Philippines will not need to depend on imports,this is my dream,to help the Philippines become less dependant on milk imports,too breed a affordable dual purpose goat. Good Day To You Doc mikey
P.S. In Canada D.V.M. like to be referred to as DR.,out of respect for you I refer to you as Dr. or Doc.
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: How to manage hogs waste "smell"?
on: September 20, 2007, 03:22:05 PM
Dr. Nemo,Depends on where your hog operation is located,some operations here run 1000 plus sows easy.Manitoba is a hog hub,other areas of the country,operations are closer to subdivisions and this is where the complaints start as the wind blows the the foul odors around.nothing more unpleasant than that smell as you try and relax outside with your friends on a nice summer day.Some of these lagoons are really large and open and the farms use the manure to grow grain,grain fed hogs are of better quality,Canada is known for its high quality pork,the USA grows more corn so they feed their hogs more corn,corn makes for a fatter pork.Manitoba is a cold place to be in the winter time,no thanks like the coast here better.There is more concerns about polluting the ground water,larger operations will look for those far away places where there is nobody to worry about. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
P.S. still find it hard to believe that someone would pay so much for a hog. boy we must of got a super deal on our hogs back in 2005,no hog is worth that kind of money.
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: How to manage hogs waste "smell"?
on: September 19, 2007, 04:16:05 PM
Dr.Nemo,this is a tough one,myself we could build a lagoon at our place,no one will complain about the odors,I would not build one,lagoons are large ponds dug out from the earth,in the Philippines,you have the rainy season,your lagoon could over flow,now you have a real problem,say it got into the ground water,your drinking source for water,could kill or will make you very sick for one.major pollution problem.I think the bio gas has a real future in the Philippines,recycle is a better option.Seperate the solids and dry under the sun is another option for your crops,this is where we are now,will want bio gas later on to help lower farm operating cost(s).One would need to see and stand next to one of these lagoons to really know what I am trying to say here,stink,stink,stink,and more stink.Large hog operations in Canada use lagoons because it is cheap,and the Govt. lets them get away with it,people here do complain about open lagoons and the smell they emit.Have A Good Day Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Goat estrus
on: September 19, 2007, 03:21:35 PM
Dr. Nemo.do believe this is in the wrong forum,goats in the Philippines will breed all year round,not like here in N. America,our goats are mainly milk goats,we found it easier to wean at 4 months,usually within 2 months the does will come into heat again after weaning.Body condition of your herd is very important.Kidding in the rainy season can lead to major problems. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: How to manage hogs waste "smell"?
on: September 18, 2007, 02:53:38 PM
Dr.Nemo,lagoons really stink,at least the ones here in Canada,people complain about the hog smell because of the large lagoons,pollution is what some people call it here now(air pollution).I think this is a very difficult problem to solve,needs more than 1 answer, Have a good day doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: sir nemo.. help me pls
on: September 17, 2007, 01:04:20 PM
Dr. Nemo,really,cost that much now,paid only P2000.00 each for our landrace & large whites,they were piglets when we bought them,here.The durocs cost paid P12,000.00 for our last one,would expect to pay the same.a top sow is worth alot for a breeder. Have A Good Day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: sir nemo.. help me pls
on: September 15, 2007, 03:29:32 PM
Dr. Nemo,I do think that is alot of money to spend on sows,large white,they must be purebreds,one would expect to get papers with the sows for that kind of money,one takes the risk and hopes the sows will be top producers like their mothers,its a risk ?a man who never took a chance,had a chance. Good Day To You mikey
Good to see Mr Hog is still with us.
LIVESTOCKS / BREEDING / Re: Breeding 101
on: September 07, 2007, 02:35:05 PM
Dr. Nemo,well he is a good hog,I still want a red Duroc.Thanks for your advise.Have A Good Day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: mosquito
on: September 07, 2007, 01:42:03 AM
Mr Hog,am told that the whole inside of our barn has a giant mosquito netting,had to be custom made because of the size.My family in laws build fires for the smoke,Dr Nemo talked about this in the barn forum,tells what leaves to burn.Good Farming To You mikey
LIVESTOCKS / BREEDING / Re: Breeding 101
on: September 07, 2007, 01:24:36 AM
Dr. Nemo,do you think it is better to use a crossbred Duroc (f1) over a purebred Duroc.We had been using a purebred Duroc (terminal sire) to produce slaughter hogs,only kept 1 male (crossbred) as a back up,he is now in service ,until we can replace the Duroc. Thanks mikey
LIVESTOCKS / BREEDING / Re: Breeding 101
on: September 06, 2007, 03:19:46 PM
Dr.Nemo,okay the information we have from our book and the Govt. information,it told us to bred a landrace to a large white this is a crossbreed (white),bred the females to a terminal sire (Duroc),this gives you a slaughter hog,this is what we have been doing.My poor Duroc is finished,too much action,The information I have ,reads that the Duroc is better suited for tougher conditions,better able to take more heat,handles stress better than the other breeds.Do you think the Duroc makes for a better terminal sire over the other ones?? Have a good day mikey
on: September 06, 2007, 03:04:01 PM
Mr Hog,waiting to see the pictures of your operation?? Good Farming To You mikey
on: September 06, 2007, 03:01:16 PM
Mr Nemo,I guess this is what they are doing.My brother in law says the whole inside of the barn now has netting.this must be something to see.giant mosquito net,as long as it works.Thanks for your help mikey
on: September 06, 2007, 08:12:01 AM
Mr Nemo,that makes more sense,secondary infection,I think they thought it must have been from the mosquitoes.I know that they build fires around the barn for the smoke to help keep the bugs away,not sure if it is for the livestock or the people.Thanks alot mikey