LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
on: September 25, 2007, 01:45:47 AM
Dr.Nemo,okay we understand,we will not make our R.O.I. is 3 years,because of the capital needed to invest,we started out bigger than we should have,looks like it would have been better if one has the capital in the bank first rather than paying as you go along,we see our mistake now.We are making payments every month into the hog operations and pumping any or all profits back into the hogs,this should get interesting jumping up to 60 sows by years end,so P3,000,000.00 plus for a 60 sow operation,will need some overtime at work lol.Hope Mr Hog red this forum,maybe he and I are in the same boat. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
on: September 24, 2007, 04:41:31 AM
Dr. Nemo,okay 258,000.00 for 5 sows,so someone with 30 sows would be a investment of 1,548,000.00,wish I had known earlier,okay this works out to approx. P50,000.00 per sow.On the face of it,a person would need alot of capital to start such a venture,It looks like we will have to wait maybe 5 years for our R.O.I. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
on: September 24, 2007, 01:25:22 AM
Dr Nemo,thanks for the info,should we give shots to our goats,will bring in 2 new goats from Cebu,will make sure they are kept seperated from the main herd for 1 month or 2. it is sort of a FMD for this type of livestock??this will kill our goat industry. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / DISEASES / Re: Swine Influenza
on: September 24, 2007, 12:38:29 AM
Thanks Doc,will let brother in law know just in case,wants to be ready,one never knows,we always keep the hog operations in lock down,the problem in this world today people have the ability to travel far and wide in a short time span. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / HOUSING / Re: Mr Hog your idea about total enclosure
on: September 23, 2007, 01:48:20 PM
Mr Hog,I wish,no I just day dreaming about going back to the Philippines and spending time on the farms.I will retire in 8-10 years,then I can live in the Philippines. Good Farming To You mikey
LIVESTOCKS / DISEASES / Re: Swine Influenza
on: September 23, 2007, 01:42:01 PM
Dr.Nemo,thanks for the info,should we give shots to our hogs for this,at what age is it best to give the shots?what about pregnant sows?can this affect other livestock,saw on the news the UK now has blue tongue,cattle goats,I do not think they said hogs.Blue tongue looks bad. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / HOUSING / Re: Mr Hog your idea about total enclosure
on: September 23, 2007, 05:22:51 AM
Mr Hog,sorry I did not realize that someone sent me a message,sorry will check now,hard to operate a business when you live half a world away,I am sure you can understand,am busy with my goats right now,they need my attention now,rainy season always a problem time for us with the goats. Good Farming To You mikey
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Goat estrus
on: September 22, 2007, 01:42:33 AM
The native goat is a good breeder,too small,but a hardy little goat,upgrading with the native is the key to the goat future I think,the 3 way cross looks very interesting to us (my wife and I),native doe x anglo buck=f1 anglo x boer buck makes for mix/hybred/upgrade what ever you wish to call it,its have the milking ability,hybred vigor,carcass mass,its a start,a farmer/breeder can use any type of dairy breed,we prefer the anglo over any of the other dairy breeds,we feel the anglo has better hybred vigor for a tropical country,personal/business decision.The Govt. states most goat farms (back yard operators )not interested in AI,maybe if more information was made available to farmers and at affordable prices,the little guy could build up a better herd(s).In our area and surrounding districts the Govt. did supply 1 boer buck,he died over 1 month ago due to poor management,we are scrambling to find our own boers as we need them for our breeding program,you are right breeding stock is expensive,I told my wife,2 is better than 1,and as long as we keep them healthy,should breed for over 6 years easy,another problem is in some places,the goat milk has no value,we feed ours to the hogs,no place to market our milk yet,I am sure some day there will be a market for our milk,maybe cheese??I personally believe AI with goats has alot to offer the industry,how one promotes this, I have no answers,would be cheaper for the Govt. in the long run I would think.Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Goat estrus
on: September 21, 2007, 03:44:23 PM
Dr, Nemo,the 3 way cross started down in region 12,that is where I got the idea from,45 t,that is alot of money for most farmers,the goat has to be affordable,anglos now cost upwards of 400 P per kilo for breeders,boers cost 350.00-500 p per kilo breeders,that is alot of money.It seems to me the price of livestock is out of control now.Boer goats always did cost more than a cow,when a hog cost more than a cow,there is something wrong. Good Day To You Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / HOUSING / Re: Mr Hog your idea about total enclosure
on: September 21, 2007, 03:25:03 PM
Mr Hog,do not worry,the Philippine Govt. knows in 20 years they will need all the food they can grow/produce,you are right as the population grows the demand to feed the masses will increase,us farmers will be sitting on a gold mine.Total enclosure and equipement will cost a fortune to build and operate,some in the Philippines are looking at bio diesel,looking into this myself right now,major oil companies buying land in India to plant jatropha as a fuel source,they say 1 hectare will produce approx. 3000 litres of bio diesel,this plant grows in the Philippines.The cheapest way right now would be to make a big sign and put in front of the farm by the road so everyone will see it, COMING SOON MAJOR EXPANSION.Should the land next to you sell,the buyers have advance notice you will expand the business,buyer beware.Relax man,you will worry yourself to death. Good Farming To You mikey P.S. would be nice if you started calling Nemo D.V.M. as Dr. Nemo,all vets in Canada like to be refered to as Dr. first.he is a educated man and we should show him some respect.
LIVESTOCKS / HOUSING / Mr Hog your idea about total enclosure
on: September 21, 2007, 02:56:16 AM
Mr Hog,this idea of yours about enclosing your barn will not work out,tried it back in 2005,the hogs will overheat and die,if you can afford airconditioning it will work along with proper ventilation,air must circulate so many times per minute so much volume per hour.The idea you have about a large chimney,sounds good,thought about this myself,was thinking about buying 45 gal. drums,welding them together,the first drum would have charcoal and as the exhaust air was forced through should help mask the ordors,just something I was playing with some time ago.Remember animal manure helps pollute and create green house gases,we should all do our part and help the enviroment, Good Farming To You Mr Hog mikey