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4291  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level on: October 04, 2007, 02:24:35 AM
Dr. Nemo,I understand,am sure with the formula you gave me,cross my fingers that the seeds grow,should be able to mix our own I believe in 2008 season,okay,tell me,I have the formula,if the seeds grow well,and we know how many kilos of each to mix,am thinking about getting a new cement mixer to use to mix everything together,the crumble is dry anyways,what do you think about my idea using a electric cement mixer,will buy 1 for our goats anyway for mixing the concentrates for them.
Good Day To You Doc.                mikey
4292  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level on: October 03, 2007, 02:58:30 PM
Dr.Nemo,so what you are saying is that,large hog operators make their own crumble??The wife and I are running out of options,I am running out of patiences,something to look into.   Good Day To You Doc.    mikey
4293  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level on: October 02, 2007, 03:21:05 AM
Mr. Hog,okay will great to see your farm operation.My wife and I have decided to sell off 10 sows and only keep 20 sows,will see what happens,getting too expensive the operating costs.We did look into shipping feed from Canada,that is expensive also,we could not save any money that way.We are more interested in goat farming,as the rainny season starts,goats need more attention,our boer buck just arrived yesterday from Cebu,worth more than a cow.
Good Farming To You                     mikey
4294  LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Goat Polio on: September 29, 2007, 03:55:18 PM
Dr. Nemo,this has me confused myself,at first I did not know what goat polio was,never gave it much thought,sounds like it is curable,affects the brain I think.Goats will die from this polio if not treated.
Good Day To You Doc.                     mikey
4295  LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Goat Polio on: September 28, 2007, 03:20:21 PM
Dr. Nemo,lets hope this is not true,was told about this on another website.
I red that goat polio is a  metabolic disease
affects goats raised under intensive management conditions
improper feeding,too much grain,too little roughage
sudden changes in feed
vitamin B1 deficiency
Goat polio is present in any country that raises goats,not that uncommon apparently.
Good Day Doc.                          mikey
4296  LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Goat Polio on: September 28, 2007, 02:00:50 AM
Dr.Nemo,thanks again,Have A Good Day,  mikey
4297  LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Goat Polio on: September 27, 2007, 03:28:29 PM
Dr. Nemo,was told not to touch any goat(s) from around  the  area of General Santos City,goats there have goat polio.Red on the net goats are smuggled into the country from Indoensia.
Good Day To You Doc.                         mikey
4298  LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: What about sheep farming?? on: September 26, 2007, 02:50:35 PM
Dr.Nemo,thanks,      Have A Good Day Doc.                mikey
4299  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: can I make my own pig crumble on: September 26, 2007, 02:46:17 PM
Dr. Nemo,thank you     Have A Good Day                  mikey
4300  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: can I make my own pig crumble on: September 26, 2007, 02:08:55 AM
Dr. Nemo,we will try and make our own hog chow,thanks for that info you mailed me some time ago,the only question I have is about the (fish meal) not able to buy it at our place (realize this is high protein)was wondering if we could use hog crumble instead (one with the highest protein level),well this all depends on if the soy,wheat,barley will grow, just in the planting stage now,did let my brother in law know, one cannot feed straight from the plant,after harvest,store for 1 month,then use.
Good Day To You Doc.                     mikey
4301  LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / What about sheep farming?? on: September 26, 2007, 01:38:29 AM
Dr.Nemo,seems to be a fair amount of sheep farms in the Philippines,was wondering about the market for sheep.Meat over fibre,how do sheep fair in a tropical climate?? Good Day To You                     mikey
4302  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level on: September 25, 2007, 04:25:16 PM
Dr. Nemo,business 101,do not spread yourself out too thin,will come back to bite you in the ass,lol,a little miscalculation on my part.
Good Day To You                          mikey
4303  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level on: September 25, 2007, 03:50:41 PM
Dr. Nemo, should have stayed a goat farmer lol.
Good Day To You                               mikey
4304  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Starting a swine business. on: September 25, 2007, 03:32:46 PM
Dr. Nemo,sounds like a headache,in Canada a person cannot start a large farm unless they buy what is commonly known as a quota (Canadian Govt. issue) a farmer/business must pay for such a quota,the quota allows the farmer/businessman to produce a certain number of livestock,hogs,beef cattle,chickens,turkeys.ducks,geese,dairy cows are not allowed to exceed this amount,thank goodness the Philippine Govt. is not selling quotas so far.   Good Day To You                     mikey
4305  LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level on: September 25, 2007, 03:07:10 PM
Dr.Nemo,thanks for the info:okay my wife and I bit off more than we can chew(english saying).I was always a lucky person so am sure we will work around this lol.        Good Day To You Doc.                mikey

P.S. Mr Hog,you have been quiet lately lol,are you in the same boat as us??
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