on: October 30, 2007, 02:44:31 AM
Doc,I am told in Australia the dog lives with the goats all summer in the pastures,when the goats are brought in during the winter time they have to shoot the dog(s) because they are too protective.I am not in favour of shooting the dog(s),our dog(s) will live with the goats all the time,our goats now are confined,in the process of looking for a young pup to see if we can do it,just an experiment,maybe it will work maybe not.You are correct would be something to see. Good Day Doc. mikey
P.S. if it works with goats maybe a hog guarding dog hehehe
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Starting a Hog farm or Poultry farm, help pls.
on: October 30, 2007, 02:22:47 AM
Sara,welcome to the club,Canada produces approx. 12 million hogs per year,the biggest export market is Japan.The Philippines produces approx. 10 million hogs per year with little to no export markets.WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE. Good Farming Everyone mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: can I make my own pig crumble
on: October 29, 2007, 09:36:19 AM
Dr. Nemo,lets say i find the fish meal in Cebu,if I increase the protein part by 1 kg. every other month this should be okay,I am wondering if 1 can give the hogs too much protein?? Good Day Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Middle man/ biyahero
on: October 29, 2007, 05:12:11 AM
Mr Hog, the public market at your place is only 5 min. away,you lucky guy you,no such luck at our place,there is a small slaughter house near our village,you are only allowed to bring in 1 animal at a time,makes no sense to me.Cebu is the main off loading area,still thinking about a 5 ton truck to start off with,seen one here before with 2 levels,should be able to get the welding shop to make something for us,the brother in law is good at that sort of thing. Good Farming To You mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Starting a Hog farm or Poultry farm, help pls.
on: October 29, 2007, 05:02:50 AM
Sara better to start off small,or have a good job with lots of overtime,hogs eat their weight in gold,bio security is another,only those who need to at the farm should be allowed around the stock,or risk the chance of bringing in outside deseases,wash hands and feet all the time when handling the stock and their feed,security is another problem,barb wire with lights and have dogs for a early warning system. buy a hog raising book from Doc. Nemo,explains alot and get to know how to do the 3 way breeding program. Good Luck With Your Venture mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: milky you there????????????????
on: October 29, 2007, 02:22:00 AM
Mr Hog,I am half dead these days worked all week 12 hour shifts,will work the same this week plus the weekend coming up.Boy are you lucky 5 min. from the public market,think at some point we will have to buy a 5 ton truck and start trucking to Cebu. Mikey
on: October 28, 2007, 04:48:59 AM
Hi Sara, GOLDEN RULE: do not spread yourself out too much,better to pick one venture and stick with it until you are happy with the end result,then move into a new venture,trying to breed and produce for all markets will result in failure in all markets,am learning this the hard way,lol Trust your gut,if you think something is wrong there,9 times out of 10 you will be right,trust no one,you will have to find your own market or make your own market,Welcome To The Club, Doc Nemo is a cool guy. Good Luck mikey
on: October 28, 2007, 03:37:23 AM
Doc,In Italy they place a young pup in with baby sheep,when the pup grows up he/she thinks it is more sheep and will protect the flock at any cost.Looking for a young pup now to place with baby goats,hope the dog will imprint with the goats,what do you think about this idea?? Good Day Doc mikey