LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Proper Feeding
on: November 06, 2007, 03:11:55 AM
Doc, good information,would you say more farmer(s) pratice backyard feedings,3 times per day.If you fed your stock more times,lets say 5 times per day,would they grow faster?Wondering,if one feeds more and more often,should grow faster. Thanks mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / times per day one can feed their hogs
on: November 04, 2007, 03:19:05 AM
Doc,a seminar and book,looks like maybe they learned very little from both,it seems to us maybe the hogs are not getting fed enough per day and that could be a reason for the low prices we are getting for our hogs at 3 months old.Have tried to explain to them that maybe they should feed the stock more times per day,that should help to put more meat on their frames,how many times per day can you feed the stock,they tell us that they feed them 3 times with crumble with snacks in between.I do not know about that,or maybe the amount each one gets is too small.Mr Hog is right just painful when all you are doing is to try and help them out and their responce is always the same NEGITIVE,hogs in large operations here are on automatic feeders,they have feed available to them 24 hours a day,one spends time to collect information to help them and its like they have their own game plan and you are the last one to know what it is. PAINFUL and getting more EXPENSIVE Good Farming Boys and Girls mikey
LIVESTOCKS / HOUSING / need ideas on how to build a low cost shelter for hogs
on: November 04, 2007, 02:56:15 AM
Doc,maybe some of our new members(hog farmers) need some ideas on how to build low cost shelters for their hog(s) business including myself. The wife and I need to build some low cost shelters for our fatteners now,we plan to raise hogs to 4 months old,our other barns are costly to construct (sow barns),was thinking maybe to build each one 16 X 24 with cement floors but this time using 4 X8 sheets of plywood for the inside,bamboo enclosed for the outside and using copra leaf for the roofs in the short term.How many hogs could live in each 16 X 24 pens at 4 months old.Is there any plans on low cost(s) shelters we could view. Good Day Doc. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: price per kg
on: November 04, 2007, 02:33:48 AM
Boy,some of you guys are lucky,I realize we are remote but the prices we are getting is really wrong,maybe getting taken it from the in-laws,maybe they pocket the difference??going to have to check into this more. Good Farming Boys mikey
on: November 01, 2007, 02:46:48 PM
Mr Hog,in the near future you will have a large operation,just going through growing pains now,things have a way of working themselves out. All in good time,we both have too much to lose at this point in time. Good Farming To You mikey
on: November 01, 2007, 03:07:37 AM
Sara,you know what they say,dreams are free,try to make them real is the expensive part,lol Good Day mikey