LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: hog contract growing
on: November 13, 2007, 03:11:42 AM
Doc, Region 7 was always known as the bread belt of the Philippines.Have been told alot of the stock is shipped to Manila to feed the people there from Cebu,for us the key is transportation.Good Farming Boys and Girls. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Supply & Demand
on: November 13, 2007, 02:45:24 AM
Doc,good to know,in North America pork is advertised as the other white meat. Good Day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Supply & Demand
on: November 12, 2007, 04:16:46 PM
Doc, what is the supply side of hogs now in the Phillipines?what is the demand side?I would think that the supply is steady with current demands,this could all change if the supply side grows too fast,demand drops off,the price for pork would also drop (crash).Worried that if too many operations start up,supply rises but not always demand,all current producers will have a tougher time in the business. Good Day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: hog contract growing
on: November 12, 2007, 04:01:34 PM
Doc, I think Negros Occidental is planning on building a large hog processing plant,red this some time back,they wish to start exporting pork. Contract may not be so bad,at least one would know the prices one could expect to receive from their stock,better able to plan and manage the operating expensives,might be a future in contract hog farming. Good Day mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Piggery Business
on: November 12, 2007, 03:45:31 PM
I am sure,the Philippine Govt. would set limits on how much land you would be able to purchase for a business venture.Myself I would find that out first,then plane a business of some sort.Hog farming is not cheap to operate,the feeds alone is a major part of producing,Welcome to the club,hope it works out for you. mikey Independant Producer
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Piggery Business
on: November 12, 2007, 03:35:54 AM
150 to 200 sows,talking some serious money here,$200.000.00 CDN.Look at this way will cost you approx. $1000.00 plus per sow to bring them on line.Understanding Philippine Realestate Law,Outsiders can not own land,only the building(s) on that piece of land.Your Philippine Spouse would have to have the title under her name or her family s name. Good Luck mikey Independant Producer
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Production Traits For Meat Goat Enterprise
on: November 11, 2007, 04:28:13 AM
1-adaptability 2-reproduction 3-growth rate 4-carcass characteristics
Adaptability-the most important trait of all the production traits,the ability to survive and reproduce in a given enviroment. Reproduction-conception rate,kidding rate and the ability to breed out of season. Growth Rate-growth rates can be effectively divided into 2 peroids,growth before weaning or pre weaning average daily gain and growth after weaning or post weaning average daily gain. Carcass Characteristics-dressing percentage,ratios of lean fat,bone and anatomical distribution of muscle,the dressing percentage of goats is approx. 50%,as the animal grows,they tend to increase the percentage of fat,decrease the percentage of bone while the percentage of lean stays about the same,leg and shoulder have the largest muscle mass,these tend to decrease.percentage wise as the goat grows.In general a larger doe has larger kid(s),but requires more food than smaller does.
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Philippine Indepandant Meat Goat Producer(s)
on: November 11, 2007, 04:02:53 AM
The Philippines is a goat producing country,there are sizeable numbers of goats in country.The country is a major importer of dairy products,The producers hope to change this in the near future with more dairy commercial farms investing in this business venture and overseas investors.The recent exporting of live goats from Region 12 will help the industry as a whole.Malaysia is a major importer of live goats,this is another market for our industry but we need Govt. help.Australia is the worlds major exporter of live and frozen carcasses.Malaysia is a market that Australia exports too.Philippine goat producers have their eyes on this market also.China is another country that has plans for a national goat industry.The Philippine Goat Producers wish to have our share of the pie.The goat producers of the Philippines have available,top quality fullblood sires for the improvment of our herds.In the future the Philippine Goat Producers will have sizable numbers ready for export.This is one area of farming that looks bright.
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Breed Complimentarity
on: November 11, 2007, 03:40:02 AM
Crossing with Swiss breeds to improve milk production has been attempted in the Caribbean,East Africa,Malaysia,Fiji,Mauritius and Australia.In West Malayasia the Toggenburg was the least satisfactory.Saanen and British Alpine crosses on the local goats were superior to the local goat in milk production but for all round performance the Anglo-Nubian was the most successful improver.Among meat breeds only the Boer has a reputation but it has in fact not been very successful in East Africa(see Devendra and Burns, 1982). It can be concluded that with goats even more than with sheep crossing with European breeds must be undertaken only with the greatest caution.For both milk and meat production the need is for selection programmes to produce improved tropical breeds which can be used for grading up populations in which such a selection programme is not possible.
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Goat flooring
on: November 11, 2007, 01:14:01 AM
Sara,this goat flooring may be bought from Fjwegon Farms in Mandaue City Cebu,they import the flooring from Australia and also sell goat supplies etc.Contact person: Ketti Chua SUPPORT THE GOAT mikey