on: November 15, 2007, 07:31:30 AM
Show goats and meat goats are not the the same animal.Should you want to raise meat goats,do not take nutrition or management advice from show goat people.Do Not try to make show goats into breeding stock or commercial goats.Show goats are raised completely different from meat goats. Independant Goat Producer Region 7 Philippines mikey
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Philippine Goat Producers
on: November 15, 2007, 07:19:44 AM
With Australia producing over 50% of the world goat meat.The numbers of boer and boer crosses continues to rise as farmers and grazers turn to goat meat production as a profitable alternative enterprise.Majority,about 90% of the goats are exported to Malaysia.Independant goat producers in the Philippines are eyeing export markets for their own stocks,with Cebu being a major port and the location of Cebu itself being a perfect receiving and shipping point,its hard to wait on the sidelines as some producers now have secured foreign capital for investment.Nobody wants to be left out.The industry still needs Govt. guideance to help us secure our own piece of the action.Sooner is better than later.
Independant Goat Producer Region 7 Philippines mikey
on: November 15, 2007, 06:31:39 AM
Madam Dadai Rubia,a leading goat specialist in the Philippines,consults foreign Govt. with their own in country goat operations gave me some time ago this valuable information about first time mothers,sometimes first time mothers will reject their kid(s).A week before kidding pull her teats like milking 3 times a day,helps the doe get ust to the kid(s) nursing,on the day of kidding,feed the doe NO CONCENTRATES,and give her a injection of antibotics,this helps prevent mastitis.Start feeding the doe concentrates on the following day and increase as needed.Ketosis is a diet problem,will be able to tell if the doe has ketosis from the smell of her breathe (sweet smelling).time to get professional help a vet.Prevention is easy,feed the doe properly during gestation as well as after kidding.Milk fever is a calicum diet problem.
Thanks to Madam Dadai Rubia for sharing this information:
Independant Goat Producer Region7 Philippines mikey
on: November 15, 2007, 05:55:11 AM
Live weight X 140Php/kg=price per goat, was taken from the net some time ago for meat goats in the Philippines. Buyers look for carcass weight first,breed,sex,age,the better quality your stock the better selling power one has to bargin with.Good quality upgrades worth more than native(s) good quality natives has reached 110 pesos per kilo,liveweight.Some areas the prices are better some places the prices are lower,depends on location.
Anglo X Native f1-6 months old 1,500.00 peso Boer X f1= (triple cross)-6 months old 2,500.00 peso farmgate prices taken from the net: As independant producers we need the 140 peso per kilo liveweight for meat goat production.
The anglo x native f1 seems to be to be undervalued.I think a starting price of 2,500.00 Peso would be more in line with production costs and the triple cross starting price of 3,500.00 is more fair to the producer(s). If other producer(s) can share information on this topic,would help us all.
Proud Independant Region 7 mikey
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Production Traits For Meat Goat Enterprise
on: November 15, 2007, 03:55:52 AM
Mr Hog,well,a goat is like a cow,you milk her after she (freshens),has a kid(s),like a cow the baby is removed so the farmer can keep milking the doe,because we have no market for our milk,let the kid(s) wean until 3 1/2--4 months,one is still able to milk the doe even with a baby(s) not as much volume but still she can be milked.Most dairy doe can be milked for approx. 300 days,60 day rest before kidding,all starts again.If one was close to a dairy or had a ready made market,the more does the better,more milk,we taught our relatives how to pasturized the milk first,Mr Hog you are right,the kids would really benefit from milk in their diets.Dairy goats need special feeds high energy when in the milking mode.Shelter,well metal roofs are better,our pens are 5x5 for each doe and buck,going to Cebu soon to buy the plastic flooring,saves on time cleaning,dries faster,less maintance,expensive a imported product.The bus. of the dairy market is also the meat side,one can always sell surplus dairy goats for meat,one can play both ends here.The best to my knowledge the meat market seems to be larger than the dairy end in the Philippines,breeds like the boer and crosses non milkers.This is a different market,but expanding all the time.Someone is going to put us in touch with connections in Cebu for the goat meat market,we will have to get the goats there ourselves.The wife and I will run 25 does in 2008,15 fullblood anglo does,10 upgrades f1 and 3 way mixes,we have 2 fullblood sires anglos and a boer terminal sire,will take 3 workers to operate,the barn is under major renos now,just doubled the work force,want it finished asap,when completed will be 16x75 have to build a house for the cartakers and we pay the elect. and all their food plus the wife sends them shoes and clothing,candies etc,the wages is 3t pesos,a husband/wife and our main caretaker is a young man,been with us for approx. a year now,have invested approx.1/2 million pesos so far,one can make money after the 2nd/3rd year,depends on how many heads one has starting out with.Selling of breeding stock is another market.Going full speed ahead now with the goats,next year may expand again,we have the meat market as a backup for unloading our surplus goats. Did read some time back that the price of milk per litre was 10/12 pesos,may be farm gate prices,just trying to remember now.Doc Nemo can help me out here,he may know of the current prices of milk/meat for goats. Hope this may have been of some help to you Mr Hog,the supply end of the goat meat market is low compared to demand, (high demand but low supplies) right now worldwide.
Good Farming Boys/Girls
Support the goat:brought to you from the independant goat produce(s) of the Philippines. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: mixing feeds
on: November 15, 2007, 02:47:06 AM
Doc, feed companies also import large volumes of USA soybeans,as for the corn,well to my knowledge corn makes livestock fattier,here in Canada wheat grain makes our hogs a better product and makes us a top exporter of frozen pork,the Americans are a top producer of corn,their livestock gets more corn in their diets.I guess I am not so far off so far,if our whole wheat,barley and soybeans grow,will put us ahead of most,as for the diet thing,my take is if you had 100 people,feed them the same thing,not all would grow at the same rate,genes play an important part here,may be more so than breed specific.I have always seen myself more of a lone wolf type,do not like to run with the pack but rather lead the pack.Some of the feeds here in North America contain steriods,its main purpose to get the stock up to weight as fast as possible,at any cost to the health of that animal.Poultry is a prime example,how do you get a chick from 1 day old to your dinner table in 5 weeks,breed plays a important part but its in the feed.Farming is now big business,to have an edge over the next guy/girl,nothing personal,just business.Business people in the protein delivery bus. Good Farming Boys/Girls
mikey Proud to be an INDEPENDANT PRODUCER
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Online Pig Disease Problem Solver
on: November 14, 2007, 08:39:44 PM
On line this and on line that,not sure about that,have red lots of information on hog disease(s),some the farmer is able to treat him/her self,the simple stuff,would like to see a untrained farmer trying to give his/her sow a c section. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: hog contract growing
on: November 14, 2007, 08:31:46 PM
Doc,on the second thought,will just stay a independant producer, we own our land,are our own boss,we are the investors,our money,our way. The glass is half full. Good Day Doc. mikey INDEPENDANT PRODUCER
LIVESTOCKS / CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP / Re: Production Traits For Meat Goat Enterprise
on: November 14, 2007, 03:14:25 AM
Doc,you are welcome,if this information is helpful to other independant producers great,willing to share all information I have collected over the last 3 years.The thing that strikes me the most is,have met other people on the net who also married a lady from the Philippines,their farms are either poultry or goats or both.Mr Hog is the only other person I have met so far that has a hog operation,not sure why??I feel there is a real future in this business but as a independant producer long time goal would be the exporting of live or frozen carcasses or both.At present,Philippines is a goat producing nation,China is coming up behind us,and can overtake our position if we are not careful,Exporting would really help the country as a whole.The large volume of imported dairy products needs to be more home grown,more people are drinking coffee world wide,am sure Starbucks or one of those coffee shops are in the major cities in the Philippines,milk is required.The future looks bright for those willing to invest.World wide more people eat goat,the demand is high but the supply is low.
SUPPORT THE GOAT:Independant Goat Producer of the Philippines mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: hog contract growing
on: November 14, 2007, 02:43:52 AM
I have red about the major problem being the high cost of feeds,some of the big boys are out of the bus. due to high operation cost(s).Profit margins are always smaller while your operation expensives climb.Sometimes one walks a very fine line. mikey
LIVESTOCKS / SWINE / Re: Swine Backyard database.
on: November 14, 2007, 02:30:51 AM
Doc, sounds like a good idea,too long in the coming,information is golden. Is this for THE INDEPENDANT HOG PRODUCERS,backyard production to my knowledge is less than 20 sows,(1-20) sows,20-50 small commercial,50-200 medium commercial.etc. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PROJECT: mikey