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Hero Member
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« on: March 21, 2008, 12:02:03 PM »

Guide in Turkey Raising
By Pinoy Farmer | March 4, 2008

Technical advances in turkey genetics, production, and processing have created a turkey which produces a pound of meat, using a smaller amount of feed, in less time than most other domestic meat-producing animals.

All commercial turkeys produced today are the white broad breasted turkey breed. This breed was first used for commercial turkey production in the late 1950’s. By the late 1960’s the majority of the industry used this turkey breed.

The cost of raising a turkey is affected by many factors, including buildings, equipment, labor, feed costs, and interest on loans. Feed costs amount to almost two thirds of the cost of raising a turkey. Geographic location, degree of automation, and size of the farm all contribute to differences in the costs of raising turkeys.

Fast-maturing white-feathered hybrid strains are today produced in vast numbers under intensive conditions. By 10 weeks, under ideal conditions with a well-balanced ration, a turkey in a modern white hybrid turkey flock would average 6 kg in weight, with a feed conservation ratio of about 2:1.

Improvements in genetics, feed, and management practices have made domesticated turkeys more efficient at converting feed to protein than turkeys found in the wild. About 2.8 pounds of feed are required for every pound of weight gain.

Domesticated turkeys are also bred to have more breast meat, meatier thighs, and white feathers. White feathers are preferred so that, when plucked, they leave no unsightly pigment spots under the skin. Greater efficiencies have lowered costs to consumers, making turkey an excellent food value.


The small backyard producer should select breeders from well-grown 7-month-old birds. These birds should be mated immediately so that the first eggs produced will be fertile. The preferred mating ratio is 1 tom to 10 hens.

During a 25-week laying cycle a breeder hen normally lays 88-93 eggs. At the end of this cycle, the hen is “spent” and will usually be slaughtered. Some breeders find it economically feasible to molt the hen (give her a resting period) for another production cycle. It takes 90 days to molt a hen. The hen’s second laying cycle will produce a slightly lower number of eggs (75-80).

A breeder tom turkey can father as many as 1500 poults during a hen’s 6-month laying cycle. It may be worthwhile to help maintain fertility by using two consecutive batches of toms during the season. Remove and replace all toms at the same time to guard against the odd birds being ostracised.

Fit all hens with canvas saddles to protect their backs. Also, as a further precaution, clip the tom’s toenails.

Broody hens should be removed regularly and placed in broody coops suspended above the ground. Provide broody hens with feed, water and overhead protection.

As with most heavy birds in the southern hemisphere, it is difficult to get fertile eggs hatched in time to produce birds ready for the Christmas market. This can be alleviated to some extent by housing the hens in ‘brown houses’ from 18 weeks of age. These houses are darkened from the outside sunlight, and provide 6 to 8 hours of light per day. This continues until the hens are 24 weeks of age, when the light is increased to 18 hours. Production of eggs will start 4 weeks later, reaching 50% production within 6 weeks. The toms are not ‘darkened’, but receive sufficient light 6 to 8 weeks before mating to increase their total ‘daylight’ hours to 14.

Breeding birds must be in good condition before mating and should be checked for internal and external parasites.


To avoid breakage of eggs provide a single nest 0.5 m wide by 0.5 m deep for every 5 hens.

A community nest 0.6 m wide by 2 m long, suitable for 15 hens, may be used as an alternative to single nests; however, there is usually a higher incidence of egg breakages in community nests.

Nests should be in a protected area and be provided with a floor covering of rice hulls, coarse sand, shavings or straw. Constant vigilance is required to ensure that the nests do not become a harbour for external parasites. The nests may be elevated from ground level but must be easily accessible to the hens by being fitted with a ramp and ledge. It is, however, usual for nests to be placed at ground level.


Collect eggs three times daily and store for no longer than 7 days in a room that provides a temperature of 10°C and a relative humidity of 85%.

Turkey eggs hatch in 28 days. In forced-draught incubators, eggs should be maintained at 37.7°C during incubation, reduced to 37°C at hatching. The relative humidity at setting should be 55%, rising to 70% at pipping. These are equivalent to wet bulb readings of 30°C and 33°C.

Turn eggs at least three times daily, until the 26th day, through an angle of 45°. Larger incubators are fitted with automatic turning devices.


Poults are notoriously difficult to start drinking and feeding as day-olds. Small heaped amounts of feed should be evenly spaced over the floor in the brooding area. One small round feeder (25 kg capacity) is adequate for every 25 poults.

Drinking water is even more important for day-old poults. The producer should introduce poults to water by dipping their beaks in the water immediately they are placed on the floor. Each small automatic water font is suitable for 50 poults.

Attract the poults to water and feed by hanging bright 100 watt ‘spotlights’ over these areas 1 m above litter level. Poults can be further encouraged to eat by placing feed in small silver-coloured aluminium trays, and to drink by putting coloured marbles in the waterers.

The temperature for day-old poults should be around 35°C, as day-old poults need plenty of heat. This temperature should be reduced 1°C every 3 days until a temperature of 21°C is reached.

Temperatures are to be used only as a guide because the best way to adjust the temperature for the comfort of the poults is to observe their behaviour. If they crowd near the heat source and chirp loudly, the temperature is too low. If they move well away from the heat source and start panting, they are too hot. Ideally they should be fairly quiet and spaced evenly under and around the heat source (see the diagram at right).

Poults are best brooded in small groups of preferably up to 250, separated by 50 cm high brooder surrounds.

Beak trimming at 10 days of age will prevent cannibalism.


Once fully feathered at about 7 weeks of age, the poults may be given outside range of 1500 m2 (0.15 ha) per 100 birds.

Intensively housed birds are brooded and reared in the same shed at a density of 5 birds per square metre and processed by 12 weeks of age.


Turkeys are fed mainly a balanced diet of corn and soybean meal mixed with a supplement of vitamins and minerals. Fresh water is available at all times. On average, it takes 84 pounds of feed to raise a 30 pound tom turkey.

A turkey starter diet of between 24% and 28% protein should be fed until 8 weeks of age. Ideally, feed a 28% ration for the first 4 weeks and reduce to 24% for the next 4 weeks. This protein level is reduced to 20% and fed until marketing.

See suggested table rations here

Prepared feeds should be placed in self-feeding-type hoppers to provide unrestricted access at all times.


Traditionally, turkeys have been bought at Christmas and Easter as big birds, ranging from 2.5 to 5.0 kg plus in size (dressed weight). This requirement is slowly changing as families buy smaller one-meal birds at other times of the year. ‘Further processing’ of turkey portions is enabling the processor to attract a larger share of the consumer’s budget. The consumer can now buy over sixty different cuts of turkey and further processed turkey products such as turkey hams, steaks and sausages (smoked and broiled).

More Raising Guides and Tips

1. Turkeys may be allowed to roam about, and gather in barn at night.
2. Since turkeys eat plants, those that they should not eat must be fenced.
3. Besides grass, turkeys should be fed with mixed grated coconut, fruit peels, corn, sorghum, fish and shrimps.
4. Turkeys in coops (that are elevated from the ground), consume more food than those roaming about. But they should not be allowed to stay in coop always because this will easily wear out the flooring of their house because of their weight.
5. For 500 turkeys, 15 sacks of feed are normally consumed weekly, but this is reduced if they are allowed to roam.
6. One way is to have a shelter in the midst of their pasteurland where they will always find food and water.
7. This shelter must also provide place for sleep and nest. The shelter must be about three (3) meters high, five (5) meters wide and 10 meters long. The four sides are open, and the floor can absorb manure. In one side are nests, and at the other are food and water in separate containers.
8. The flooring should be three (3) meters longer than the shelter, fenced with about five (5) feet wire where they can mate and spread out their wings, and eat.
9. If the weather is good, they should be allowed to roam to pick insects and eat grass. So as not to run out of forage or overeat them in a place, they should be transferred from place to place in the field, separated by wire fence.
10. Feeding is twice a day — in the morning before they are set free, and in the afternoon when they come back.
11. Feed must contain 24% protein, which is not attained in most commercial feeds. In the U.S., turkeys are given: 24% protein, 2% calcium and 0.9% phosphorus. Here, they are given 16% protein, 24% calcium and 1% phosphorus. Turkeys grow up to five (5) kilos in four months in this diet. Normally, a male turkey weighs 10 kilos and a female 7 kilos within 18 weeks.
12. They must always be provided with food and clean water. If necessary (which is not often) they are given powdered antibiotic in their food and drink or if necessary, by injection.
13. The turkey chick cannot see up to age one week after hatching, so they are spoonfed until they can eat by themselves. (In the U.S., these are given milk, which is too expensive for us).
14. For every 20-25 female turkeys, only one male is needed. So that egg laying will be continuous, the mother turkey is not allowed to sit on her eggs. These are gathered and hatched in the incubator.
15. Eggs are gathered in April or May, and incubated around July.
16. They are hatched in the first week of August and are raised from 26-28 weeks. (The raisers set these for Thanksgiving Day or Christmas).
17. Turkeys molt (shed feathers) once a year. After molting, they lay more eggs. So, the raisers make them molt in preparation for Christmas. Molting is hastened when food is scarce and day is short. So, the feed of layers is reduced and are kept longer in a dark coop and by releasing them much later in the morning.
18. Turkeys diseases generally, are chicken pox, blackening of the head, birds pest, neck paralysis (cannot swallow”) and external parasite. The blackening of the head is the most serious disease of turkeys. This is acquired from feeds and contaminated water.


Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2008, 05:14:09 AM »

US turkey to make inroads into China
[12 December 2007] Minnesota's turkey growers are set to introduce turkey as a niche product in China and will develop customised recipes in conjunction with Southern Yangtze University and a Chinese Chef in Wuxi, Jiangsu, according to Minnesota’s Department of Agriculture. Rather than compete with pork, the Minnesota turkey industry wants to position turkey as a higher value meat.
Hero Member
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« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 09:43:54 AM »

Probiotics for Turkeys
By Jesse L. Grimes PhD, Professor of Poultry Science and Nutrition, Extension Turkey Specialist, Department of Poultry Science at North Carolina State University and published in the North Carolina Poultry Industry Joint Area Newsletter.

Feed borne antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have been fed to livestock in the US and other countries for about 50 years to improve growth performance. Early indications of improved performance in poultry were reported by Moore et al. (1946). However, most of the AGP labels list no specific claims to control disease. Debate over the generation of antibiotic resistance among bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella has generated the strongest objection to using antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance of indigenous E. coli of poultry has remained at a relatively high level since the 1950's. In the US, reports from the Institute of Medicine and the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology recommended reduction or elimination of AGP in livestock feeds even though neither of these reports provided evidence proving that AGP resistant microorganisms were responsible for contributing to antibiotic-resistant infections in humans. Although this debate continues, there is interest in developing alternatives to AGP such as probiotics. The term “probiotic” has generally referred to live cultures fed to poultry and livestock in an attempt to improve the animal’s intestinal health and, therefore, the animal’s performance.

Alternatives to antibiotics, such as competitive exclusion (CE) treatments, have been developed to encourage a protective barrier of bacteria in the digestive tract of poultry to prevent the colonization of growth depressing and/or pathogenic microorganisms. Some CE cultures have included undefined normal avian gut microflora or have included defined cultures using bacteria such as Lactobacillus spp. The reduction or elimination of Salmonella from the intestinal tract of poultry is of special interest because of the prevalence of human food borne diseases caused by Salmonella with poultry products serving as a vehicle for human salmonellosis.

The term “probiotic” has been used to refer to feed additives that contained both live cultures and other products such as non-digestible feed ingredients that enhance host digestive tract microflora. This would include many of the indigestible sugars such as oligosaccharides. Therefore, the Association of American Feed Control Officials and the US Food and Drug Administration have recommended the term “direct-fed microbials” (DFM) be used to describe live culture feed additives. Other types of probiotics that are not live cultures have been referred to as “prebiotics”. There are numerous reports of DFM, including Lactobacillus spp., being fed to poultry including turkeys. However, there are few reports where the feed containing the DFM was pelleted.

Therefore, the objectives of a recent study at NCSU were to determine 1) the effect of a dietary DFM on turkey poult performance, 2) the susceptibility of turkey poults fed a DFM to Salmonella challenge, and 3) the effect of feed pelleting on the efficacy of the dietary DFM.

Day-of-hatch Large White female poults were placed in two rooms and fed one of four dietary feed treatments. One room housed non- Salmonella challenged poults while in the other room , poults were challenged with an oral dose of Salmonella. A single batch of starter ration was split into four parts and used to provide four dietary treatments: 1. mash feed with no DFM, 2. mash feed with DFM (Primalac® 0.9 kg/ ton feed), 3. pelleted and crumbled feed with no DFM, and 4 pelleted and crumbled feed with DFM. Liver, spleen, total and lower intestinal tract weights and intestinal length and most probable number Salmonella populations were determined for a sample of birds from each treatment. Feeding processed feed resulted in improved 3 week body weight and feed conversion as expected. Feeding the DFM improved 3 week feed conversion in birds not dosed with Salmonella. Salmonella populations were slightly reduced by feeding DFM.

The commercial DFM product tested in this study resulted in improved poult performance similar to results reported with broilers using the same product and also reduced intestinal Salmonella colonization and changes in intestinal morphology. These effects were independent of feed processing. Further work with market age turkeys, both in pen studies and in field trials, is warranted.

May 2008

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« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2008, 07:11:25 AM »

Turkey Meat : Turkey Talk!
Experts consider them as unintelligible birds, but the turkey meat is hailed as one of, if not the healthiest of meats.

Engineer Gil Victor P. Quizon, owner of Herbest Turkey Products, only started his business a year ago but based on his experiences, he said there is so much potential in raising this popular form of large poultry bird. Last Christmas alone, he has one customer who bought from him Php20,000 worth of dressed turkey. “At that time, I think I was able to butcher and dress about 200 heads of turkeys,” he disclosed. “My customers gave them as corporate gifts and I couldn’t fill the market anymore. Ako na mismo ang sumuko.
Turkey, as everyone knows, isn’t that popular in the Philippines as it is in other countries like the US, where it is considered a must staple during their Thanksgiving celebration and other official holidays. However, as Engr. Quizon explained, the continuous search for alternative healthy meats has made a lot of Filipinos interested in turkeys. Compared to chicken, turkey meat has practically no cholesterol, has higher percentage of protein and even has selenium, which according to nutritionists, is a natural antioxidant. “It’s almost a complete food,” Quizon enthused. :”Yun nga lang, the setback is, you just cannot sell them in the lower market. As of now, only the Pinoy AB market patronizes turkeys.”

One reason why the ordinary Pinoys still refuse to buy dressed turkeys is their price. While the average price of a large whole dressed chicken sells at around Php160.00 in supermarkets today, a large frozen dressed turkey (which is three or more times the chicken’s size) sells at around Php1,250.00. “Hindi pa yan, deboned,” Quizon quipped. “And unlike chicken where you can buy the meat on a per kilo basis, in turkey you have to buy the whole thing.”

The 67-year-old engineer clearly remembers that as a child, he was already fond of raising turkeys. But it was only last year when he rekindled his passion for turkey farming when a friend approached and offered him to buy turkeys. “My first love was really agriculture,” he said. “I took up BS Agriculture at the Pampanga National College and later shifted to engineering so farming was close to my heart. When my friend offered me to buy his turkeys, I said yes. From three heads, the number increased. To date, I have around 1,000 heads of turkeys.”

Quizon raises different breeds of turkeys in his 3,500 square-meter farm in Antipolo, Rizal. The breeds include the Royal Palm, Bronze, Black and Narraganset, among others. According to Quizon’s research, the most saleable breed is the Black turkey, for which he is slowly starting to learn how to propagate. “Basta any natutunan ko rito, the environment should really be clean para hindi magkasakit ang mga birds,” he said. His raising approach was via the trial-and-error method, although a lot of his knowledge came from constant research through books and surfing the internet.

From his observation, Quizon concludes what the literature said about turkeys-they’re unintelligent birds. The Wikipedia encyclopedia, for example, noted that “during a storm, a turkey will look up in the sky until they drown.” This is something that Quizon has proven time and again. “Sometimes, during cold weather, they would put their bodies on top of each other until the one who is at the bottom would die. It’s like they don’t think at all. So, raising turkeys is really a delicate thing. Unlike other animals, they need extra care and attention because you have to constantly guide the birds”

As far as expenses is concerned, Quizon revealed that he spends Php1,0000 a day for feeds alone for 1,000 heads of turkeys. “Kung ano-ano ang binibili kong feeds. I have learned that while they’re still young, they have to be fed with at least 28% protein. So I’m still experimenting. Like in terms of spacing, I’ve read that in the States, the required spacing is around 0.6 squaremeter per bird. So I allotted a squaremeter for each of my 1,000 birds para may allowance.”

If there is one thing that Quizon is proud of in his Antipolo farm, it is the fact that he doesn’t use any chemical to raise his birds or his small herb garden. “I have five farm workers who live there,” he proudly told us. “They were the ones who helped me improve the facilities in our farm. We started with makeshift houses. Now we have toilets already. All our poultry wastes go to our poso negro which I eventually convert into gas.”

An instructive point in Engr. Quizon’s story is how his wife, Prima joined and helped him create valueadded products from turkeys. Because she loves to cook, Mrs. Quizon has concocted her own version of spaghetti sauce, hamburger, longganisa and other yummy meats from turkey. “She’s the one who cooks, reads a lot of recipes and does a lot of cooking experiments until she arrived at a particular taste for which the whole family will approve. We did a lot of taste tests for six months and then we slowly sold them, first to our friends and the public.”

When the husband and wife team decided to go into the turkey meat business seriously, “Herbest Turkey Products” was born. They started joining trade fairs to become more visible and when consumers noticed them, sales also started to pick up. Meanwhile, Engr. Quizon plans to expand his farm from a mere 3,500 square-meters to five hectares in a few years time. “My intention is really to employ more people who have no work. I will allot 1,000 square-meters to each one of them. They will raise the turkeys there. I will provide them with feeds and housing, and I will be the one to buy the turkeys from them. It will work out like a contract-growing scheme.”

The dream also includes a soft campaign to educate the public into the health benefits of eating turkey meat. “I’ve been reading in the internet, even cancer patients are being advised to eat turkey meat. It’s very rich in selenium. Every four ounce of meat, you get 45 grams of selenium. For the other turkey farmers, I would advice them, tiyaga lung talaga. Turkey raising is one endeavor where you would really lose your patience sometimes. Kasi nga, may paykn-dumb crng mga turkeys, that’s because their brains are so small. They would die if you don’t take extra care for them. But I tell you, the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.”

Turkey Breast Milk
Nutritional value per 100 g(3.5 oz)
Energy 100 kcal 440kJ
Carbohydrates 4.21 g
- Sugars 3.51 g
- Dietary fiber 0.5 g

Fat 1.66 g
Protein 17.07 g

Thiamine (Vit B1) 0.130 mg 10%
Ribolflavin (Vit B2) 0.320 mg 21%
Niacin (Vit B3) 0.110 mg 1%
Panothenic Acid (Vit B5) 0.166 mg 3%
Vitamin B6 0.128 mg 10%
Folate (Vit B9) 4 ug 1%
Vitamin C 5.7 mg 10%
Calcium 8 mg 1%
Iron 1.44 mg 12%
Magnesium 21 mg 6%
Phosphorous 162 mg 23%
Potassium 302 mg 6%
Zinc 1.33 mg 13%

Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.
Source : USDA Nutrient Database ;
Hero Member
Posts: 4361

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« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2008, 07:12:36 AM »

Turkey Meat : Turkey Talk!
Experts consider them as unintelligible birds, but the turkey meat is hailed as one of, if not the healthiest of meats.

Engineer Gil Victor P. Quizon, owner of Herbest Turkey Products, only started his business a year ago but based on his experiences, he said there is so much potential in raising this popular form of large poultry bird. Last Christmas alone, he has one customer who bought from him Php20,000 worth of dressed turkey. “At that time, I think I was able to butcher and dress about 200 heads of turkeys,” he disclosed. “My customers gave them as corporate gifts and I couldn’t fill the market anymore. Ako na mismo ang sumuko.
Turkey, as everyone knows, isn’t that popular in the Philippines as it is in other countries like the US, where it is considered a must staple during their Thanksgiving celebration and other official holidays. However, as Engr. Quizon explained, the continuous search for alternative healthy meats has made a lot of Filipinos interested in turkeys. Compared to chicken, turkey meat has practically no cholesterol, has higher percentage of protein and even has selenium, which according to nutritionists, is a natural antioxidant. “It’s almost a complete food,” Quizon enthused. :”Yun nga lang, the setback is, you just cannot sell them in the lower market. As of now, only the Pinoy AB market patronizes turkeys.”

One reason why the ordinary Pinoys still refuse to buy dressed turkeys is their price. While the average price of a large whole dressed chicken sells at around Php160.00 in supermarkets today, a large frozen dressed turkey (which is three or more times the chicken’s size) sells at around Php1,250.00. “Hindi pa yan, deboned,” Quizon quipped. “And unlike chicken where you can buy the meat on a per kilo basis, in turkey you have to buy the whole thing.”

The 67-year-old engineer clearly remembers that as a child, he was already fond of raising turkeys. But it was only last year when he rekindled his passion for turkey farming when a friend approached and offered him to buy turkeys. “My first love was really agriculture,” he said. “I took up BS Agriculture at the Pampanga National College and later shifted to engineering so farming was close to my heart. When my friend offered me to buy his turkeys, I said yes. From three heads, the number increased. To date, I have around 1,000 heads of turkeys.”

Quizon raises different breeds of turkeys in his 3,500 square-meter farm in Antipolo, Rizal. The breeds include the Royal Palm, Bronze, Black and Narraganset, among others. According to Quizon’s research, the most saleable breed is the Black turkey, for which he is slowly starting to learn how to propagate. “Basta any natutunan ko rito, the environment should really be clean para hindi magkasakit ang mga birds,” he said. His raising approach was via the trial-and-error method, although a lot of his knowledge came from constant research through books and surfing the internet.

From his observation, Quizon concludes what the literature said about turkeys-they’re unintelligent birds. The Wikipedia encyclopedia, for example, noted that “during a storm, a turkey will look up in the sky until they drown.” This is something that Quizon has proven time and again. “Sometimes, during cold weather, they would put their bodies on top of each other until the one who is at the bottom would die. It’s like they don’t think at all. So, raising turkeys is really a delicate thing. Unlike other animals, they need extra care and attention because you have to constantly guide the birds”

As far as expenses is concerned, Quizon revealed that he spends Php1,0000 a day for feeds alone for 1,000 heads of turkeys. “Kung ano-ano ang binibili kong feeds. I have learned that while they’re still young, they have to be fed with at least 28% protein. So I’m still experimenting. Like in terms of spacing, I’ve read that in the States, the required spacing is around 0.6 squaremeter per bird. So I allotted a squaremeter for each of my 1,000 birds para may allowance.”

If there is one thing that Quizon is proud of in his Antipolo farm, it is the fact that he doesn’t use any chemical to raise his birds or his small herb garden. “I have five farm workers who live there,” he proudly told us. “They were the ones who helped me improve the facilities in our farm. We started with makeshift houses. Now we have toilets already. All our poultry wastes go to our poso negro which I eventually convert into gas.”

An instructive point in Engr. Quizon’s story is how his wife, Prima joined and helped him create valueadded products from turkeys. Because she loves to cook, Mrs. Quizon has concocted her own version of spaghetti sauce, hamburger, longganisa and other yummy meats from turkey. “She’s the one who cooks, reads a lot of recipes and does a lot of cooking experiments until she arrived at a particular taste for which the whole family will approve. We did a lot of taste tests for six months and then we slowly sold them, first to our friends and the public.”

When the husband and wife team decided to go into the turkey meat business seriously, “Herbest Turkey Products” was born. They started joining trade fairs to become more visible and when consumers noticed them, sales also started to pick up. Meanwhile, Engr. Quizon plans to expand his farm from a mere 3,500 square-meters to five hectares in a few years time. “My intention is really to employ more people who have no work. I will allot 1,000 square-meters to each one of them. They will raise the turkeys there. I will provide them with feeds and housing, and I will be the one to buy the turkeys from them. It will work out like a contract-growing scheme.”

The dream also includes a soft campaign to educate the public into the health benefits of eating turkey meat. “I’ve been reading in the internet, even cancer patients are being advised to eat turkey meat. It’s very rich in selenium. Every four ounce of meat, you get 45 grams of selenium. For the other turkey farmers, I would advice them, tiyaga lung talaga. Turkey raising is one endeavor where you would really lose your patience sometimes. Kasi nga, may paykn-dumb crng mga turkeys, that’s because their brains are so small. They would die if you don’t take extra care for them. But I tell you, the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.”

Turkey Breast Milk
Nutritional value per 100 g(3.5 oz)
Energy 100 kcal 440kJ
Carbohydrates 4.21 g
- Sugars 3.51 g
- Dietary fiber 0.5 g

Fat 1.66 g
Protein 17.07 g

Thiamine (Vit B1) 0.130 mg 10%
Ribolflavin (Vit B2) 0.320 mg 21%
Niacin (Vit B3) 0.110 mg 1%
Panothenic Acid (Vit B5) 0.166 mg 3%
Vitamin B6 0.128 mg 10%
Folate (Vit B9) 4 ug 1%
Vitamin C 5.7 mg 10%
Calcium 8 mg 1%
Iron 1.44 mg 12%
Magnesium 21 mg 6%
Phosphorous 162 mg 23%
Potassium 302 mg 6%
Zinc 1.33 mg 13%

Percentages are relative to US recommendations for adults.
Source : USDA Nutrient Database ;
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