I'm currently looking for a seller of an automatic egg incubator here in bohol.
If there are people here who knows where or who sells incubators here, you can just post here. Tnx!

Looking for a 50 or 100 capacity automatic egg incubator.
Dami na itlog d2 nasasayang kasi indi nali2mliman ng mga inahin. Minsan iniiwan kasi.

Hi Decide,
I am Randy of Belmont Agricorp.
We are the authorized distributor of Jamesway Incubators.
http://www.belmontagri.comhttp://www.jamesway.comPlease see below our Incubators:
Incubator Capacities - Chicken
Egg Flat Capacity
Small P20 Medium P40 Large P60 Extra Large P120
17,280 34,560 51,840 103,680
18,480 36,960 55,440 110,880
20,160 40,320 60,480 120,960
20,160 40,320 60,480 120,960
20,160 40,320 60,480 120,960
If you have ant other concerns please let me know.
Randy CruzIndustrial & Poultry Eqpt Sales
Belmont AgriCorp
HP +639179375413 Globe
HP +639228478029 Sun
TEL 02-8159861
FAX 02-8127905