
LIVESTOCKS => POULTRY => Topic started by: doc rock on June 26, 2012, 11:07:45 AM

Title: guide in 33- 35 days broiler farming
Post by: doc rock on June 26, 2012, 11:07:45 AM
guidelines for small scale broiler farming

-determine the demand in your area based on preferred weight (some client needs large chicken or medium-sized 1.6 kg)
-know the budget allocations for your target population per cycle
-buy only class A DOC's from disease-free hatchery
-choose high quality feeds to optimize the performance of Class A day-old-chicks
-make sure that farm materials (waterer, feeders, light bulb) are complete before loading.
-your building must be cleaned thoroughly of at least 2 weeks before chicks arrival.
-vaccines,vitamin supplements and antibiotics must always use correctly to maximize chicks performance.
-medication and vaccination program depend on the area contact your veterinarian for proper implementation to avoid
 losses due to disease outbreak in the farm.

Rock I. Lamit D.V.M.
Lic# 7672
Poultry consultant


Title: Re: guidelines for small scale broiler farming
Post by: doc rock on August 09, 2012, 09:52:40 AM