Title: Duck Industry Performance Report Jan-Dec. 2006 Post by: mikey on January 06, 2008, 11:09:13 AM as of Jan.1/2007,total duck population was estimated at 10.16 million birds.Equivalent to a decrease of 8.85% from last years headcount.Laying flock,which accounted for 43.14% of the total duck population decreased by 7.03% against last years inventory.This was traced to the 10.96% decline in the backyard laying flock population.The other half of the duck population was comprosed of growing flock and day old chicks with 48.43% and 8.43% shares,respectly.
Backyard population: Region 6-1,480,816 Region 2-1,147,320 Region 3-1,039,991 Region 12-906,578 Region 11-482,198 Commercial population: Region 3-1,342,666 Calabarzon-656,165 Region 2-257,393 Region 12-105,841 Region 10-82,256 Barkyard farms top 5 producing regions are 6,2,3,12,11.Region 6 ahead with 20% contribution.Backyard producers accounted for 69.52% of total backyard duck population in the country. Commercial farms top producers are region 3,Calabarzon,region 2,region,12.region 10.Region 3 recorded a 48.87% share.Commercial producers contributing about 88.07% of total duck population. Dept.of Agriculture: |