Title: Subject: Business Database Dubai, Middle East Post by: j_strators on September 14, 2008, 04:43:38 PM I wonder if someone know from where I can get a business database of Dubai, in fact, almost all countries of Middle East. The Database may contain following fields:
Company profile: Person Name: Designation: Email Address: Optionally Fax: Phone: Website I would appreciate if any one of you could be of my help. Title: Re: Subject: Business Database Dubai, Middle East Post by: nemo on September 14, 2008, 07:29:11 PM It's a little difficult to find that kind of site...
You could try this http://www.middleeastdirectory.com Title: Re: Subject: Business Database Dubai, Middle East Post by: Walidsaleh on September 15, 2008, 02:21:34 PM Following website may fulfil almost all of your requirement:
www. reachgulfbusiness.com |