Title: Meat Quality? Post by: molave on September 15, 2010, 02:44:05 PM Sir in cattle fattening does the color of the animal (upgraded or native) affects its price, meat quality and dressing percentage? A farmer friend said that some buyers ( comprador/ viejero) in our town ( southern part of iloilo) said that animal with lighter color is price low as compared to darker colored animal because meat quality or dressing percentage when slaughtered is low or poor in ligth colored animal, i told my friend na its not true and tsimiss lang. Title: Re: Meat Quality? Post by: mikey on September 30, 2010, 11:03:22 AM meat quality really depends on breed then health and your management practices.I have never heard anywhere in the world that a light coloured animal means poorer quality meat.Sounds like alot of BS to me.Dairy cattle tend to be lighter in colour coats and with different muscle structure over the true meat breeds.Maybe this is what the buyers are talking about.
Title: Re: Meat Quality? Post by: nemo on September 30, 2010, 06:51:49 PM Thank you mikey for answering this post.
There are a lot of post unanswered and everyday they are filing up. So, most are left unanswered or they found the answer in the other post of the forumers.... ;D |