Title: Selecting Feeder Cattle Post by: mikey on November 26, 2007, 07:33:19 AM To make a profit and produce good meat,consider the following:
AGE:2-3 year old stock need less feed for every unit of weight gain,because they digest more efficiently and consume larger volume of feed in proportion to body weight.Young stock cost less because of lesser weight,require a longer feeding time and higher quality feed to reach desired finish. Title: Re: Selecting Feeder Cattle Post by: mikey on November 29, 2007, 09:41:01 AM Breed Selection:
the breed of cattle,either for fattening or breeding is one of the most important intake specifications as it affects the operation,management,market preferences and most of all the profitability of the industry.The availability of hybid vigor and bloodline crosses should be taken advantage by the cattle raisers.Tropical born or raised cattle ,requires less management skill than non-tropical raised cattle.Proper selection of breed is important. |