
LIVESTOCKS => CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP => Topic started by: mikey on December 09, 2007, 05:09:51 AM

Title: Quick Field Test For Worms:
Post by: mikey on December 09, 2007, 05:09:51 AM
The farmer/producer can do a quick field test somewhat reliable to check for stomach worms.Pull the lower eyelid down and examine its mucous membrane.The inside of the lower eyelid should be.
1)-red to bright pink-goat is tolerating its wormload.
2)-light pink mucous membrane-present in wormy goats.
3)-white membrane-anemic and probably on the way to dying.
Saving goats suffering from severe anemia due to heavy wormloads is extremely difficult to do.Use this field test as a guide only.It is not anywhere near close to 100% accurate,Fecal counts are essential.Oral drenching works best when deworming goats.Goats have a faster metabolisms than other livestock.Given orally,such products produce a quicker and more effective worm kill and exit the goats systems,leaving less de-wormer residual for the worms to develope resistance against.
By: Suzanne W. Gasparotto,breeder of the tennessee  meat goat,Texas U.S.A.