
LIVESTOCKS => CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP => Topic started by: mikey on April 09, 2008, 12:12:20 PM

Title: Preventative Care for Goats: What does it mean?
Post by: mikey on April 09, 2008, 12:12:20 PM
Preventative care,is keeping your goats healthy before disease or sickness affects your herd.This falls under good management practices.In a commercial setting keeping your animals healthy is important if one wishes to make money for this kind of venture.A sick animal is a unproductive animal,cost a producer more in time and money.Preventative care cost money in the short term but in the long term saves the producer money.A producer must come to know his animals by sight,and look for any signs that the animal is not feeling well,and act on it right away before it spreads to the other animals in his/her herd.Some things a producer should be be aware of.
proper feeding
regular deworming
vitamins,monthly vitamin c and b 12 really helps,by injection or liquids in the drinking water
external parasites
hoof trimming when needed
shelter from the weather
regular cleaning,barn floors and feeding area,goats forced to walk and sleep in their own wastes will get sick and die.
give antibiotics when needed
Livestock will only do well if proper care is given,better to try and prevent something,than wait for something to happen.Even the native goat will do poorly if forced to find its own shelter during the rainy season.Preventative care works for any level of goat numbers.Remember one will only get out of the business what one puts into the business.
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