Hero Member

Posts: 4361
« on: December 02, 2007, 04:19:21 AM » |
1-Plan ahead,have supplies at the ready. 2-Pens need adequate air movement with no drafts,slotted floors with spaces not exceeding 3/8 inch wide works well in hot weather climates.Avoid construction methods that permit heads,legs to be caught in openings,thus causing broken legs or strangulation. 3-Decide what health program will be for the kids,record keeping system,make sure the program and plan is followed,recording which kids received which treatment and what needs to be done. 4-There are various infectious goat diseases which may be controlled or reduced by removing baby kids from their dams at birth and raising them in facilities,separate from mature animals in the herd. 5-The kid born during a normal parturition seldom needs human help to survive. 6-Kids born during dystocias or difficult birth may need help.Most important is to clear the mucus out of the mouth and start the kid breathing.Poke a straw up the nose to provoke sneezing or pich hard on the skin between the toes or ears or the tail.This will usually make a kid scream and in order to scream,it must breathe in first.A kid not breathing well,will not inflate its lungs properly and well be a candiate for pneumonia. 7-Trim umbilical cord to about 1 inch long and clean with iodine to help control infections like bacterial arthritis (stiff joints) and septicemia. 8-Make sure the kid(s) gets colostrum early.