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Author Topic: Pregnancy Toxemia (ketosis)  (Read 478 times)
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Hero Member
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« on: December 08, 2007, 11:32:02 AM »

the result of the high carbohydrate (energy) demand of multiple fetuses in late pregnancy.The kids require an increasing amount of carbohydrates in the last trimester.Does bearing twins have a 180% higher energy requirement than those with just a single fetuses.Does carrying triplets have a 240% greater energy requirement.When the demand exceeds supply,fat is metabolized into glucose.The metabolic needs of the kids are met at the expense of the dam,this is what causes Ketosis.Multiple fetuses produce more waste products,if the doe is unable to flush them from her system,now becomes toxic.
Risk Factors For Pregnancy Toxemia:
multiple fetuses
poor quality of feeds
dietary energy level
genetic factors
poor body condition or high parasite load
confinement-lack of exercise
seen in does that are overweight and get little excerise.Underweight animals fed poor quality feds are candidates for toxemia.Look for does at the bottom or top of the pecking order.These does may be getting too much or not enough feed.Does can be maintained on good roughage or forage during the first 100 days of pregnancy.During the last trimester the doe should gain approx.1/2 lb. per day.Does must intake enough carbohydrates to supply the demand of the growing fetuses and to keep her alive and functioning also.
downer,sluggish,loss of appetite,staggering gait,does have been known to grind their teeth,In later stages blindness,stargazing,tremors,aimless walking, death.
A doe with this condition will have a SWEET SMELLING BREATH.
diet should include high quality roughage and increased concentrates at the first sign of decreased appetite.Corn and 1st class rice bran,soybean.molasses are high energy supplements.
By: United States Department of Agriculture
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