
LIVESTOCKS => CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP => Topic started by: mikey on December 07, 2007, 07:32:26 AM

Title: Intersexed Goats:
Post by: mikey on December 07, 2007, 07:32:26 AM
You can call a goat a butthead and be technically correct.Goats with horns are sometimes called buttheads.Goats can be born with horns or without horns.THE HORNLESS TRAIT IS ALSO CALLED THE POLLED TRAIT.THE HORNLESS TRAIT IS LINKED TO AN UNDERSIRABLE INTERSEX TRAIT THAT WILL CAUSE THE GOAT TO BE INFERTILE.Most breeders raise genetically horned goats.NEVER BREED 2 POLLED GOATS TOGETHER,should one wish to breed a polled goat,must be bred to a horned goat.Some dairy breeders often dehorn goat kids because the horns can be inconvenient and dangerous during milking.Meat goats are left horned because the horns are useful as handles while restraining these goats for routine procedures.It is best to have the whole herd either horned or hornless.
By: University of Georgia,College of Veterinary Medicine.

We only purchase horned goats when we buy from breeders,this is a safety measure against intersex goats,our herd is kept horned.