Hero Member

Posts: 4361
« on: November 15, 2007, 06:31:39 AM » |
Madam Dadai Rubia,a leading goat specialist in the Philippines,consults foreign Govt. with their own in country goat operations gave me some time ago this valuable information about first time mothers,sometimes first time mothers will reject their kid(s).A week before kidding pull her teats like milking 3 times a day,helps the doe get ust to the kid(s) nursing,on the day of kidding,feed the doe NO CONCENTRATES,and give her a injection of antibotics,this helps prevent mastitis.Start feeding the doe concentrates on the following day and increase as needed.Ketosis is a diet problem,will be able to tell if the doe has ketosis from the smell of her breathe (sweet smelling).time to get professional help a vet.Prevention is easy,feed the doe properly during gestation as well as after kidding.Milk fever is a calicum diet problem.
Thanks to Madam Dadai Rubia for sharing this information:
Independant Goat Producer Region7 Philippines mikey