Title: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on February 07, 2008, 09:31:05 AM Unable to respond to your hidden email,as for the can milk,never tried it,some farms buy a calf milk replacer,if necessary.The basics 75%leaves to 25% grass,energy and fiber.Expensive goats are sometimes given commercial goat feeds,one must read and understand the directions well,or you may overfed the goat and it will get sick and die (bloat/grain overload).We lost a anglo buck last year to grain overload,be careful.This feed is known as concentrates (high energy),feed the goat the concentrates first then the mixed greens,goats are fed concentrates in the morning and later in the afternoon,followed with the greens,a goat needs 10% of its body weight in fiber (daily),to keep the goat healthy.There is alot of information in this forum about feeds for goats.Different areas may have a slightly different type or more common type of greens for livestock.
Good Farming: mikey Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on February 07, 2008, 10:20:57 AM question about putting the salt in the goats drinking water,never heard of a farm putting the salt in the drinking water.the salt can be added with the concentrates/salt placed in bamboo tubes and hung in the barn,the goats lick the salt from the bottom of the tube.Drinking water,not sure.
Good Farming: mikey Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on February 07, 2008, 11:44:21 AM Feedmills in your area,make goat concentrates,brand names are just that,different brands from the manufacturer.Just make sure you read and understand the directions on the feed bag.As for your question on Slyfoxs claim to a secret formula for hogs,have no idea what he claims,if he found something,he will not give it up.Something he is feeding them.Personally I have never met a hog producer who claims to have a secret formula.Has anyone ever tasted one of his hogs????????????????????/???????????????
Good Farming: mikey Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on February 07, 2008, 12:38:33 PM Our goats get vitamin c & b every month in their drinking water,its water soluable,you buy it in liquid form and give it to the goats once a month.
Good Farming: Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: nemo on February 07, 2008, 06:26:37 PM usually powder vitamins for hog can be also used for goats.
Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on March 04, 2008, 09:54:24 AM Doncorleone:
how are your goats doing?did you get them dewormed yet?stay on top of the deworming to keep them healthy. Support The Goat: Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: doncorleone on March 04, 2008, 10:35:22 AM Doncorleone: how are your goats doing?did you get them dewormed yet?stay on top of the deworming to keep them healthy. Support The Goat: Yes. I drenched my kid by valbazen, i bought a internal/external deworm injectable that is also use for pigs and goat for it is double purpose. The label in the box is IVERMECTIN and the name of the bottle is IVOMETIN. Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on March 04, 2008, 01:03:13 PM Personally never heard of a dewormer that is dual purpose for hogs and goats.Maybe Dr. Nemo could explain this one to me.
Support The Goat: Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: nemo on March 04, 2008, 05:39:56 PM Ivermectin can be used to goat, cattle and pig. To some extent also dog and fish.
Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on March 04, 2008, 08:08:33 PM Thanks Doc,interesting,but is it a broad spectrum dewormer??
Support The Goat: Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: nemo on March 05, 2008, 10:11:02 AM yup it is a broad spectrum antiparasitic. not only worm but it is also used for mange or other external parasite.
Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: mikey on March 05, 2008, 11:49:50 AM wonder why its not available in our area.Even our vet does not carry it.
Thanks Doc. for the info. Support The Goat: Title: Re: doncorleone:answer to your ? Post by: nemo on March 05, 2008, 05:14:55 PM There are now generic brand of this so for sure you could ask your vet if he could buy you or find you one.
In the past years it is exclusively produce by the company that discovered/ bought the intelectual property. So becuase of it they can monopolized the prize but because of the IP for drugs have expired now, then any body can produce it and thus making the price go down. |