Title: Cattle silage,want to make my own: Post by: mikey on November 26, 2007, 12:36:09 AM Doc, could you tell me what one needs to make a good quality silage for their cattle,want to use corn,what type of fodder can I use,how long do you wait before using?Should I cover the pile with plastic tarps or not,worried about a fire starting.
Thanks: Independant mikey Title: Re: Cattle silage,want to make my own: Post by: mikey on November 29, 2007, 10:49:00 AM Quality of feedstuffs I would think is the bases of quality silage,napier grass and other indigenous grasses,fodder,corn,grains,sugarcane tops.
mikey Title: Re: Cattle silage,want to make my own: Post by: nemo on November 29, 2007, 07:39:55 PM Mikey, im not that knowledgeable in terms of silage. You need to cover it so fermentation would take place. Usually grasses are use for silaging.
The nearest i have done in making a silage is thru using a jar and keeping for one month inside so it owuld ferment. Title: Re: Cattle silage,want to make my own: Post by: mikey on November 30, 2007, 10:59:52 AM Doc,I think I have figured it out now,must be covered but kept dry,one would need to start it in the dry season,not sure if peas are grown in the Philippines,peas are added in silage here also,durning the rainy season one would need to keep it dry somehow,build some sort of shelter.
Thanks: mikey Title: Re: Cattle silage,want to make my own: Post by: nemo on November 30, 2007, 11:43:39 AM Keep dry or don't let it exposed to air.