Hero Member

Posts: 4361
« on: March 02, 2008, 01:28:27 PM » |
A farm with 1 male goat and 10 does can be started with between P30,000 and P40,000.A big part of the capital will go to buying goats.An 8 month old male meztizo breeder goat costs around P7,000.With just 1 male you can have 10 females which cost P2000 each or a total of P20,000,he says.Including the investment in housing and feeds,initial investment in housing and feeds,initial investment for a goat farm of this size could cost between P30,000 and P40,000.Antibiotics would only set you back by P50 for each goat for 1 year,while you would hardly spend on feeds as goats,even the imported ones,graze on just any grass or leaves although Villar says napier grass and ipil ipil and kakawate leaves are the ruminants best foods.Does are ready to bear kids on their 8th month and reproduce twice a year.While goats normally have a single offspring,the native varieties would often give birth to twins.Given this reproduction cycle,a goat farmer could double his stocks in less than 1 year,and could recoup his investment in 18 months if he sold the animals every 8 months,the time it takes a goat to weigh as much as 20 kilos.Villar says around 40 goats can thrive in a cage built on a 50 square-meter lot. Goat meat,anyone? This was written in 2007 and does not take into account the cost for deworming the goats.From what I understand about this story,one would have to grow all the feeds on his/her farm.Should one need to buy supplement feeds the cost will be higher. By: Joel D. Adriano