
LIVESTOCKS => CATTLE, CARABAO, GOAT & SHEEP => Topic started by: mikey on March 03, 2008, 05:42:58 AM

Title: Boer: High Maintance U.S.A.
Post by: mikey on March 03, 2008, 05:42:58 AM
high maintance can be anything that takes up your time or money in order to raise the Boer goat.Here is a list of examples:
-animals dying of un-natural causes,loss of purchase price or their potential future value.
-preventative medication treatments,cost of medications plus loss of your time
-treating sick animals,cost of medication plus loss of your time
-assisting in delivery,loss of your time
-bottle feeding,cost of the milk supplement plus loss of your time
-hoof trimming,loss of your time
much of the problems listed above comes from Boer goat apparently not being as hardy in the USA as they were marketed to be.Boer goat is undoubtedly one of the hardest small stock breeds on earth,with a great capacity for adoption,resistance to disease,longevity.
Now listen to the Boer goat industry talking,you will hear quite a different story.
-chat rooms are overflowing with breeders having health problems with their boers and looking for help
-breeders will be heard saying their non boer goats or percentages never had as much problems as the fullbloods,it is always their best animals getting sick and die
-a boer goat magazine reporter spent $900.00 to raise a animal that sold for $90.00
-U.S. breeders are breeding the hardiness out of the kiko breed now the boer breed
-a professor specializing in meat goats,claims in some parts of the country some breeders are deworming every 21 days with multiple type dewormers and are losing ground.The professor indicated that there were no new super dewormers coming.
By: J.Mauldin,boer goat breeder for 10 years in the U.S.A.

This is what happens when breeders do not cull out the animals that do not make the breed standard or cull animals that require alot of medical attention,animals that have kidding problems.This problem starts at the breeder level.I have said it in the past and I will say it again.There is nothing wrong with the native or mix or upgrade goats in the Philippines,in the long run,one is better to start with these breeds before investing hard earned money on the fullbloods.
The choice is yours,its your money.Buy your breeding or foundation stock from quality breeder(s).

Title: Re: Boer: High Maintance U.S.A.
Post by: mr hog on March 03, 2008, 08:50:02 AM
Mikey nice write up!Thats why I am hog raiser in the phills.Somday we will mass produce the goat.I will buy some big land and raise the natives there its coming I just have to wait.

Title: Re: Boer: High Maintance U.S.A.
Post by: nemo on March 03, 2008, 11:10:31 AM
Just always start small and steadily expand and upgrade

Title: Re: Boer: High Maintance U.S.A.
Post by: mikey on March 03, 2008, 11:13:02 AM
Mr Hog,I always knew you were a goat lover hehehe.Well this is what happens when you have no standards,allow farms to regulate themselves.Greed is the only motivation,not the industry as a whole.Buyer beware.