Title: B Vitamins,Important To A Goats Good Health: Post by: mikey on January 28, 2008, 11:33:06 AM Vitamin B1 and B12 are 2 vitamins important to a goats good health.Goat(s) not eating,gone off its feed and water may not be producing b vitamins in its rumen.Sick goat(s) should be given fortified B vitamins to help with the recovery.Vitamin B1 (thiamine) needed for carbohydrate metabolism.Sometimes homemade concentrates containing high protein levels (grains and soybeans) contain high levels of sulfur (greater than 0.30% of total diet) maybe the cause of goat polio.Vitamin B1 is needed to help correct this problem.A goat diet with less protein is sometimes better than a diet with high levels of protein.Vitamin B12 (cobalt) is good for goats suffering from heavy worm loads.Vitamin B12 helps to get a goat(s) eating again and get the rumen in good working order.Adding B Vitamins to a goats diet is helpful,but we prefer to buy commercial concentrates because making your own may cause more problems than its worth.Professional livestock nutritionists have the knowledge needed to formulate goat concentrates.We give our goats Vitamins C and B (liquid type) made to be mixed with their drinking water once per month to help keep them healthy.