Hero Member

Posts: 4361
« on: December 07, 2007, 02:38:39 AM » |
General Apperance (style and quality): the ideal is a large exotic animal with a high proud head,carriage majestic bearing and upright stance.The goat should show the true attributes of a sound dairy type. Head (skull,eyes,ears,mouth,nostrils): profile short and arched,muzzle fine and typered,nostrils flat,the teeth may extend beyond the dental pad.Ears long,broad and pendulous with little or no tendency to lift.As a guide ears should meet across nostrils.Eyes should be almond shaped and set wide apart. Neck: strong,medium length and without tassels dewlap may to present on both bucks and does. Backline: straight back either level or rising slightly to hips.May show slight dip behind withers but no sign of weakness. Forequarters: withers well defined,blending firmly into shoulders.The chest broad and deep. Body (barrel): heavy framed with good length and reasonable depth. Hindquarters: rump rounded,broad and strong but not steep.Wide between thurls,tail short. Legs (hooves): legs strong and straight with no inclination to cows hocks or weak pasterns,which should be short,strong and upright. Udder: showing a broad attachment and no pocket,softly textured with good capacity.Slight division allowed. Testicles: well developed,evenly balance,not divided,carrying 2 testes. Teats: of good size,set well apart and distinct from the udder. RUMIMENTARY TEATS : 2 set well apart slightly to the fore and side of the scrotum,of good size but not overdeveloped,unless the buck is milking. Size (height): Does:-32 iches or 81 cm. Bucks:-37 inches or 94 cm. Coat: short,fine and glossy. Colour: any colour or combination of colours,plain,broken coloured or mottled,but should not show any of the Swiss markings,skin black,but may be grey with black pigmentation. Differing Fron Ideal: (found and recognised) horned,wry tail.
Charactistics Faults: fine boned and lack of size,short stiff ears,straigh face,tassels,cow hocks,dropped pasterns.Size differing substantially from ideal.Visible teeth.Roach back or sway back.Tan skin,poor feet,splayed feet.Weak or narrow chest.Lack of dairy quality.fleshy udder.pocket udder.Small thin teats,ill defined or unbalanced.Lack of milking capacity.Lack of masculinity in the bucks.Unduly pendulous divided or uneven scrotum.
Disqualifications: a parrot mouth,double teats,double orifices.Supernumerary teats (intersexed).Pink skin,wry face.Undescended testicles or only 1 testicle.