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Author Topic: BE AWARE!!!  (Read 721 times)
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Hero Member
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« on: May 28, 2008, 12:41:44 AM »

Be aware, i have received this email from a person whom i have contact in the past. But i am sure this is a spam or hacked email...So, be careful. Especially if the email is asking for somethng with value even if you know the email add of the sender it might be a hacked mail.

How are you doing, I am sorry I didn't inform you about my travelling to Africa for a seminar called Empowering Youth to Fight Racism and Bringing HIV /AIDS Education to Health Care,the seminar has already taking place in three major states in West Africa which are Yamoussoukro, Freetown and Ibadan. I need your help urgent because i forgot my little bag in a Taxi where my money and my ticket were kept. i need your help now because i am having a little problem with the hotel management due to the hotel bills and i have lost all my money including the money i burget for the hotel bills, and i have to solve out the hotel bill before i leave, I am now owning a hotel bill of $1,700 and they want me to pay the bill soon before they take any action. Please i want you to help me with the hotel bill payment as soon as you can and i will also need an extra money of $1000 to feed and to help myself back home. Please i need your help on time before the hotel management decide on what to do. I will be happy if you can help me with an amount of $2,700 and i will definitely pay you back when i return.
I will appreciate what so ever you can afford to send me for now and you can help to send the money through western union money transfer to the information below and let me know when you send the money so that i can have all the information from you that i needed to received the money from western union. Kindly please understand how urgent i need your help.
Transfer Information

Receiver's Name:--- ********
Address:--- 25 Standard hotel street
City-- Victoria Island
State:-- Lagos
Country:--- Nigeria
Zip code:--- 23401

Text Question:--- What City


Amount Sent:--

No pork for one week makes a man weak!!!
Baboy= Barako, inahin, fattener, kulig
Pig feeds=Breeder/gestating, lactating, booster, prestarter, starter, grower, finisher.
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