Title: Manure Lagoon Treatment Sludge Reduction, Odor Management, Effluent Enchancement Post by: roland_biowishphil on July 11, 2011, 11:56:32 AM Good day..
I have a product that address problems regarding Manure Lagoon Management. Our product can help solving the following problems: 1. Sludge Reduction 2. Minimizes Power Consumption (due to aeration) 3. Foul Odor Emissions 4. Algae Growth 5. Poor effluent quality 6. Compliance of DAO 35 Standard (DENR/LLDA) Our product is 100% organic a super catalyst microbial enzyme. 100% safe. 100% biodegradable, non toxic, non pathogen, easy to use and with long lasting effect. |