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Author Topic: FS: ATOVI Feed Premix Powder  (Read 1066 times)
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« on: August 01, 2011, 06:47:03 AM »

About Atovi Feed Premix Technology

Atovi is a filipino-invented product based on molecular alteration, nuclear reaction and nanotechnology. It is a feed premix powder made from vitamins and minerals. However, it is radically different from conventional feed premixes in the market. It has no medication and nutritional value due to molecular alteration making the final product with one long molecular chain with revolutionary effects on the physiology and immune system of livestocks.

Atovi’s high micropotential energy charges immediately the cells’ mitochondria ( cells power house) and immediately runs the atp pumps to run the kreb cycle (cells whole mechanism) that is, all cells of  all organs i.e. liver, kidneys, heart, intestinal tracts, muscles, bones, etc., at all levels of the animal, making normal cells efficient while the deteriorating and sickly cells are revitalized, rejuvenated and restored ultimately making them efficient too. Once the body cells are efficient, they automatically regenerate and increase the immune system and anti bodies.

Atovi corrects and maintains the digestive system properly. Through this all nutritional and medication inputs are absorbed and utilized properly and efficiently. Proof of this is the almost total absence of undigested proteins in the manure and the very low ammonia fumes which produce the foul odors ending up into a non-pathogenic & organic fecal waste and further decomposition is not needed.

Since all nutrients, i.e. protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc. And medications are absorbed and utilized properly the animal’s internal organs and glands also perform effectively.  This results in enhanced metabolism. Further, there is a marked decrease in feeds intake. Atovi induces natural detoxification or expulsion of harmful compounds or xenobiotics such as synthetic drugs, natural poisons and antibiotics on the cellular level making the products like meat, eggs and others free from anti biotic, chemical and medication residues.

With metabolism performing properly, the genetic potentials and performance, like that of the immune system, are strengthened. The animals have greater stamina. They do not easily contract diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. In cases when medications have to be administered such medicines are readily absorbed and utilized ensuring faster recovery. Mortality is significantly lessened.

atovi is applied to all stages of animal raising, from breeding to fattening. Atovi can be administered to practically all animals, i.e. hogs, broilers, layers (chicken, ducks, quails, etc), cattle, goats, sheep, lambs, horses, pet dogs, cats & birds, etc.

In general, the benefits attained in using atovi feed premix are:

    Faster growing period
    Increase profitability   
    Lower feed conversion or feed intake
    higher livability
    Improved & enhanced breeding operations
    More harvests per year
    Good sizes of eggs and  egg shell quality
    Higher production rate
    Longer laying period
    shorter molting period
    Minimal medications
    Lower power and water expenses
    Elimination of chemicals for treating manure
    demand higher farm gate price due to superior meat quality
    healthier and safer produce (meat, eggs & milk)
    tastier & leaner meat/eggs/milk without the rancid smell
    Less cholesterol
    Free of antibiotic and chemical residues
    Thin back fat
    High carcass percentage
    environment-friendly waste / less ammonia
    Pathogen-free and dry manure with no foul or odious smell
    Lower bacterial load
    Higher motility
    Greater uniformity in litter/brood size & weight
    Higher hatchability percentage
    Early return to heat
    Prevent scouring
    High resistance to bacterial and viral infections and diseases such as hogs – prrs, hog cholera/flu, coccidia, fmd, etc.; poultry – ncd, dermatitis, etc.

How Atovi Works

Charges & improves the electrical potential energy in the mitochondria, (power house of the cell) to run immediately the ATP pumps likewise that of the Kreb Cycle (Eukaryotic cells whole mechanism), within the whole cellular structure and make the eukaryotic physiological system & genetic potentials & everything inside the animals body to perform efficiently most particularly in the absorption and conversion of all the medication and nutritional input and converted it into meat, eggs and milk. It also increases simultaneously the immune system and anti-bodies due to cells regeneration, as a result, the animal have high resistance to diseases, grow and gain weight faster with less feed consumption resulting early harvest to market. Significant ammonia reduction on fecal waste, fecal waste becomes automatically organic due to very low presence of undigested protein which serves as food for the bacteria, viruses and microorganisms, negligible methane content on fecal waste thus support preservation of the ozone layer and also support in great reduction of bacterial load within the area.

Packaging available
A.    1 kilo pouch
B.    25 kilo bag

*Payment Methods - BPI Bank Deposit, Western Union, LBC (Soon - Credit Card via Paypal)

*Ready for Pick up in Alabang, Muntinlupa

*Shipping outside Metro Manila: Can be done via LBC, Air 21 or JRS Express. Just inquire for the rates!

*Message/Text me for pricing. Willing to give discounts for bulk orders!


Questions? Inquiries? Contact me!


cp/landline: Globe (+63917)8505226 /  Landline (+632)5862085


Posts: 2

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« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2011, 06:00:01 AM »

Sir magkano po ba charged nyo for shipping to Iligan City?
Hingi po ako ng guidelines at mga kailangan kong malaman dito. ito po e-mail ko,
Saka isama nyo na po yung pricing, maraming salamat po.
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