
LIVESTOCKS => SWINE => Topic started by: nemo on April 29, 2007, 12:11:33 AM

Title: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on April 29, 2007, 12:11:33 AM
ito po ay isang halimbawa ng gastos ng pagpapatayo ng 5 sow level na babuyan.

62 500=5 gilts (12 500 isa)
70 000=farrowing pen=5 farrowing pen (14 000 bawat isa)
27 500= feeds for 5 months
 5 000=medication and vaccine for gilts and piglet
20 000=5 gestating pen
20 000=2 pen for piglet and housing for all.
 8 000=4 month labor cost at 2 000 per month
 2 000=water and electricty for 4 months
   43000=20% emergecy fund
=258 000

maaaring mapababa ito kung gagawing 3 farrowing pen na lang ang gagamitin imbes na 5 at iproprogram nalang nila ang panganganak ng mga inahin para hindi magsabay sabay.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on April 29, 2007, 12:45:26 AM
This is asssuming na haggang breeding part lang sila at ibebenta nila ang knailang mga kulig. Kung itutuloy pa nila ito haggang fattening mas malaki pa ang magiging gastos nito.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mr hog on August 06, 2007, 03:49:01 PM
Hi what about your cost for your septic tank?You said it cost you 70,000p for 5 farowing pens is this right?We are building 80 sow cages right now and with the sepitic tank 6 feet deep 14 feet long and 8 feet wide.We already have 26 sows right now..But fighting battle is the feeds,with everybody asking for a discount its tuff.all help would be great and thankx

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on August 06, 2007, 07:07:04 PM
About septic tank i do not have a clear idea about how much it would range.

Yes it is around 70,000 if you will build it.  Currently there are some who sells around 17t for one farrowing crate around bulacan area. Just try to shop around.

If you are a cash buyer of feeds you  can ask for around 30-50 pesos discount. Try to contact the area managers of different feed company so they can help you in terms of bulk discount.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: kingzion on September 14, 2007, 05:26:09 PM
hi, ilang months po ang sow.. para sa 12.5k na presyo at maganda na po ba ang lahi ni2?

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on September 14, 2007, 08:55:46 PM
Usually an 12.5k sow is about 6-8 months old.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on September 24, 2007, 04:41:31 AM
Dr. Nemo,okay 258,000.00 for 5 sows,so someone with 30 sows would be a investment of 1,548,000.00,wish I had known earlier,okay this works out to approx. P50,000.00 per sow.On the face of it,a person would need alot of capital to start such a venture,It looks like we will have to wait maybe 5 years for our R.O.I.  Good Day To You Doc.                    mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on September 24, 2007, 06:58:00 PM
Yup that is my sample computation and that is until weanling only. If you intend to maintain your piglet up to fattening it would cost you more.

To be honest with you this computation is a little bit conservative, if others would do this simple ROI it would cost more.

But in my assumption whether you start at 10 sow or 30 sow the return of investment would be the same at 2-3 years. This is due to the fact that the more pigs you have the less you are paying for feeds medicine etc, because of bulk discount.

You could start from a few then gradually increase your stocks. Most of semi commercial farm started that way.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on September 25, 2007, 01:45:47 AM
Dr.Nemo,okay we understand,we will not make our R.O.I. is 3 years,because of the capital needed to invest,we started out bigger than we should have,looks like it would have been better if one has the capital in the bank first rather than paying as you go along,we see our mistake now.We are making payments every month into the hog operations and pumping any or all profits back into the hogs,this should get interesting jumping up to 60 sows by years end,so P3,000,000.00 plus for a 60 sow operation,will need some overtime at work lol.Hope Mr Hog red this forum,maybe he and I are in the same boat.
Good Day To You Doc.                                 mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on September 25, 2007, 07:10:47 AM
Charged to experience Mikey...

 The ideal set up is you have the money in the bank then gradually realease the funds. It is a headache when your relative will call you and say "Please send some money, our hogs do not have feeds to eat" hehehe.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on September 25, 2007, 03:07:10 PM
Dr.Nemo,thanks for the info:okay my wife and I bit off more than we can chew(english saying).I was always a lucky person so am sure we will work around this lol.        Good Day To You Doc.                mikey

P.S. Mr Hog,you have been quiet lately lol,are you in the same boat as us??

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on September 25, 2007, 03:11:59 PM
It is better to bit off more than you can chew rather than to dream and never take action. At least you have taken the first step to self employment.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on September 25, 2007, 03:50:41 PM
Dr. Nemo, should have stayed a goat farmer lol.
Good Day To You                               mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on September 25, 2007, 04:01:10 PM
Both industry is promising. The swine operation is capital intensive but income is also very good.
Goat is low capital intensive but income wise it is just good.

Like they said you need big bucks to earn big bucks.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on September 25, 2007, 04:25:16 PM
Dr. Nemo,business 101,do not spread yourself out too thin,will come back to bite you in the ass,lol,a little miscalculation on my part.
Good Day To You                          mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mr hog on October 01, 2007, 12:33:32 PM
Mikey my comp was down had to get a new one. Soon I will be able to put up the photos and video soon.Mikey I AM in the same boat as you.Ever think about importing feeds from canada?

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on October 02, 2007, 03:21:05 AM
Mr. Hog,okay will great to see your farm operation.My wife and I have decided to sell off 10 sows and only keep 20 sows,will see what happens,getting too expensive the operating costs.We did look into shipping feed from Canada,that is expensive also,we could not save any money that way.We are more interested in goat farming,as the rainny season starts,goats need more attention,our boer buck just arrived yesterday from Cebu,worth more than a cow.
Good Farming To You                     mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mr hog on October 02, 2007, 08:47:44 AM
Mr doc I was thinking what if some big pig farmers gather together and import some feeds from abroud you think that would be good?large volume?just a thought

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on October 02, 2007, 11:29:35 PM
It is possible the only hindrace is the shelf life of the feeds.  usually a feed would be good for 2 months (pellet).  Usual mode of transfer of goods is through ship because it is much cheaper. If you will aircargo it,  it might jack up the price of the feeds.

In the philippines the feed millers associations import corn by bulk so they could have a better deal in the price of corn and other ingredients.

Big farm buy ingredients abroad and they mix it here. Some of these farm sell their feeds at a much cheaper price compared to commercial feed company.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on October 03, 2007, 02:58:30 PM
Dr.Nemo,so what you are saying is that,large hog operators make their own crumble??The wife and I are running out of options,I am running out of patiences,something to look into.   Good Day To You Doc.    mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on October 03, 2007, 08:28:20 PM
Those who have 100 sow above usually mixed their own feeds. And they customized it according to the breed they have in their farm. The source of ingredients sometimes from local area or abroad.

If they don't the machinery to do it they just ask feed millers to mixed it for them in accordance to their specs. and they will pay a certain fee for the milling of it.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on October 04, 2007, 02:24:35 AM
Dr. Nemo,I understand,am sure with the formula you gave me,cross my fingers that the seeds grow,should be able to mix our own I believe in 2008 season,okay,tell me,I have the formula,if the seeds grow well,and we know how many kilos of each to mix,am thinking about getting a new cement mixer to use to mix everything together,the crumble is dry anyways,what do you think about my idea using a electric cement mixer,will buy 1 for our goats anyway for mixing the concentrates for them.
Good Day To You Doc.                mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on October 04, 2007, 08:42:56 AM
Cement mixer will do the job also.

IF you can find a feed mixer with the same price as a cement mixer then much better.

One friend of my only use a shovel to mix their feed. They just lay all the ingredients in the floor and then shovel it back and forth.

The rule they use is that mix first the one with smaller quantities, example the smallest quantities to be mix is copra and molasses, they will first mix this. IF it is already mixed together they will mix it to the next ingredient so on up to the largest ingredient.

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on October 04, 2007, 02:53:02 PM
Dr. Nemo,great advise as always,not sure what a feed mixer looks like,we own the local welding shop,if we knew what it looks like maybe we could build our own feed mixer,but I think it would be easier to buy a new cement mixer. Thanks again            Good Day To You          mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on October 05, 2007, 12:39:46 AM
Yup it is easier to buy a cement mixer.

Here are some pic of feed mixer taken from the net

NOte: mozilla firefox cannot read the picture image try to use internet explorer instead



Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: mikey on October 05, 2007, 02:00:48 AM
Dr. Nemo,thanks again,picture is interesting,think a cement mixer is easier for us.  Good Day To You                          mikey

Title: Re: Cost to maintain a 5-sow level
Post by: nemo on October 06, 2007, 12:36:18 AM
Yeah, it is less problematic you just buy a mixer. ;D