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LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: News in brief:
on: October 29, 2010, 10:19:31 AM
during that time and maybe until now we are still in the infancy stage...
Unless a multinational company join the bandwagon it will be a turtle pace improvement for this sector.
I agree and that's the sad part.
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Right Breeding Strategy A Must:
on: September 12, 2010, 07:19:40 AM
AI definitely does not secure the good genetic material of goats. There's still a lot of work to sort out good and bad genes after the pool has been infused. At least it is up to the farmer which route to take: meat or dairy. It is easier to work with several genes than no genes at all.
It is my understanding that we are importing goats from Australia and US to develop the genetic pool. Maybe Art can provide a better insight since he is one of the pioneers in successfully importing quality goats in the country. What is the survival rate of importing goats? In the US, goats are fed with a lot of electrolytes to control the shock effect of shipment. There's also the timing of weather.
In the US, AI is basically meant as a breed improvement program. Economically, it is too expensive if you use AI to simply reproduce. You are better off importing goats. In time, AI can also have a success rate depending on the technician. Initial cost is expensive: container, liquid nitrogen, AI kit, Thawing container, shipment of semen, etc. The breeders in California use two containers to save on costs. Rather than rotating the herd sires, they just bring semen. If our local associations are willing, I would gladly put my own share. Has anybody successfully brought imported AI? What would be the requirements? BAI's forms are limited to livestock importation.
Many rural areas in the Philippines are looking for genetic infusion because most "biyaheros" prefer goats of high quality: More carcass. Local LGU is not very helpful. I have been following the updates on the PL 480. Until now, I have not seen any. It would be really nice who were given the goats for transparency's sake.
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Right Breeding Strategy A Must:
on: September 10, 2010, 02:17:50 PM
That's interesting because the Agrilink this year has a section on AI? I am not sure why would you want to spend a lot of money on AI with the same country. AI is only worth it if you are trying to upgrade a large herd? the person is from Isabela State University.
LIVESTOCKS / Small ruminant (sheep and goat) / Re: Full Blood,Full blooded,Purebred
on: August 01, 2010, 02:57:42 PM
I definitely agree now after reading more about this standard. Philippines is not ready to have one yet, but the industry is heading there. It's a not priority right now because of other things that requires more attention. It's not just the knowledge but training experts, but placing an expert in each region and training them. I can foresee a structural nightmare.
LIVESTOCKS / Large ruminants (Carabao, cattle etc) / Re: TranspOrting a Cattle to "FMD FREE ZONE AREA"
on: July 31, 2010, 05:08:42 PM
We have the same problem with goats. We called BAI and they said there is no way they are going to release any livestock from Luzon. DA and BAI have been really working hard to get Luzon certified to be FMD disease free. Certification takes years. I suggest that you look for the cattle in you need in Visayas or Mindanao. Transportation will be hight for sure.